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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in Submissions.
  • The submitted text meets the guidelines of the Policy against Plagiarism and Misconduct in Research.
  • If the reported research involves human beings, a form is attached at the author's option, available here.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. Originality and novelty are crucial for the processing of texts in the periodical in question (an anti-plagiarism program will be used by the editor to verify the originality of the article).
  • The text is in .TEX or .ODT format (proprietary formats such as .doc or .docx are not accepted).
  • It presents an access link in the ORCID profile for each author.
  • The references are in accordance with ABNT norms and did NOT abbreviate the names of the authors of the works.
  • The figures are appropriate to the journal's Submission Guide for figures.
  • A separate text document is attached, indicating the following information for each author: institution, faculty and department, city, state and country, iD ORCID and, in case of more than one author, the paper(s) of each author in the production of the article, according to the CRediT taxonomy.
  • When it comes to research, it shares, when available, data, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting, according to the Open Science statement on the website.

Author Guidelines

Code of Conduct and Best Practice

Manuscripts submitted to Texto Livre should follow the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines proposed for authors by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). See The Code of Conduct and Best-Practices. The journal also adopts the Guide to Good Practices for the Strengthening of Ethics in Scientific Publishing by SciELO. 

All submissions that contain reports of research carried out with human beings must present a supporting document for analysis by the Research Ethics Committee or other research ethics bodies, in addition to a reference in the text. For this, consult international ethical guidelines (Declaration of Helsinki, International Guidelines for Biomedical Research involving Human Beings – CIOMS) and Brazilian (Res. CNS 196/96 and complementary). These guidelines emphasize the need for ethical and scientific review of research involving human beings, aiming to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the research subject.

Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be rejected.

The submitted text meets all the requirements described in the journal's submission rules.

The submitted text includes some aspect of digital technologies, adapting to the journal's thematic axes. The text is in .ODT format (proprietary formats such as .doc or .docx are not accepted) or .TEX.

The text has not been published or is under evaluation by another scientific journal. Originality is crucial for the processing of texts in the journal Texto Livre. An anti-plagiarism program will be used by the editor to verify the originality of the article. If the article is published in a preprint repository, inform the access identifier.

Authors must be registered with ORCID ( and provide an access link in their profile.


1. General Guidelines

a) Texto Livre welcomes original contributions (articles, experience report, reviews and essays)  that explore the relationship between Language Studies and Digital Technologies focusing on textual production and on the production of free software documentation. The reviews must deal with books published in the last 24 months in Brazil or abroad, in first edition or translation, covering areas included in this journal.

b) Authors may only submit one manuscript to the journal at a time. An interval of at least 3 issues or 1 year is required for a subsequent publication from the same authorship.

c) Manuscripts should not be currently under consideration by any other journal.

d) The text is unpublished (Check For Plagiarism anti-plagiarism program will be used by the editor to verify the originality of the article). Full texts already published in event proceedings are not accepted for publication. If the article is published in a preprint repository, inform the access identifier. 

e) The journal accepts manuscripts in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish.

f) Authors must be registered with ORCID ( and provide an access link in their profile. 

g) If there are multiple authors for a single manuscript, then every author must be registered in the submission process. Include, in the journal submission system, a separate text document indicating the following information for each author: institution, faculty and department, city, state and country, iD ORCID and, in case of more than one author, the role(s) of each author in the production of the article, according to the CRediT taxonomy. 

h) We indicate, according to the Open Science statement, on this page, that files containing research data (codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from the research) be made available in the manuscript itself or in an open online repository, such as, for example,Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, and the link must be disclosed in the work. To maximize accessibility and reuse of the dataset, authors should opt for file formats from which data can be efficiently extracted (eg spreadsheets rather than PDF for tables and tabulated data). 

i) To ensure good practices, authorship additions or changes will not be allowed during the evaluation stage or after acceptance of the submitted text. Click here for a tutorial on how to enter coauthors.

j) With regard to authorship, the submission must comply with the provisions of Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998: “Co-authors are not considered to be those who simply assisted the author in the production of the literary, artistic or scientific work, reviewing it, updating it, as well as inspecting or directing its edition or presentation by any means ”(Art. 15, § 1).

l) Manuscripts must be proofread by the authors. The editorial board reserves the right to copyedit and proofread all manuscripts accepted for publication. Manuscripts thatare poorly written or have not been prepared according to the author guidelines will be rejected.

m) All articles are assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI).


2. Format

Texto Livre accepts submissions of files in .odt OR .tex (LATEX format). If it is not possible to send the LaTeX format by the author, the text will be converted by the journal's editors. You must follow the configuration:

File type:

1. Latex format, .TEX extension: the template of Texto Livre can be GOT HERE (Link opens the Overleaf® website and presents the template - to use it in Overleaf you will need to copy it and open a project of your own). The author must attach a .zip folder with the files (.tex., .Bib, .png, .jpg etc.). In addition, an anonymous pdf must be attached to be sent for evaluation. 


2. Open Document Format .ODT. The template can be obtained HERE


3. Formatting

a) Authors must adhere to the following word limits: Articles, Experience report and Essays, from 5 thousand to 8 thousand words (including references).

b) Manuscripts should be on a A4 page setting (8.5" x 11") with margins of 1.18 inches (3cm) on the top and bottom, and 0.79 inch (2 cm) on the sides; authors should use Liberation Sans or Arial 12-point font (unless another standard is provided), single spaced, the first line of each paragraph should be indented 1.25cm (0.5 inch); submissions should be in an Openoffice file.

c) The title should be bolded, centered and written in 14-point font. It should be followed by its translation into English in the following line, in boldface and in italics, and in the same font size. Articles written in English should have their title translated into Portuguese in the line below. In the case of articles in Spanish and French, the title must be translated into English and Portuguese.

d) Submissions must be anonymous and must not contain the name(s) of the author(s) or any reference to their affiliation. In places where reference is made within the manuscript to the author's own published work, the author should replace this reference with the XXXX and omit details of the publication from the reference list, except for publication dates.

e) Articles should have an abstract in the language of the original paper. It should come two lines below the translated title. The word Abstract (or its equivalent translation in the original language of the text) should be in boldface, not italicized, and followed by colons. The abstract must follow the word Abstract in the same line.The abstract should follow ABNT NBR 6028:2021: state the aim of the article, the methodological and theoretical perspectives adopted, and the main findings and conclusions; be written in a concise single paragraph; use active voice and third person singular; and, be between 100-250 words.

f) The keywords, three to five, should not be indented and should be provided beneath the Abstract. The expression Keywords (or its equivalent translation in the original language of the text)must be in bold and not italicized, followed by colons. The keywords must come with an initial letter in capitals, separated by a period, without bold or italic, ending with a period.

g) The Abstract and the Keywords in English should come after these elements in the original language of the article following the same format. Articles written in English should provide abstract and keywords in Portuguese after their English correspondents. In the case of articles in Spanish and French, abstracts and keywords must be translated into Portuguese.

h) Standardize the keywords using the Thesaurus from the BRASED Education area for the Portuguese language and UNESCO's Thesaurus for the foreign language. As the journal is open to interdisciplinarity, another formal consultation base suitable for the area(s) in focus can be used. 

i) Section headings are numbered using arabic numbers (without being followed by a period), should be in boldface, left justified and not be indented, with sentence-style capitalization (first word only).

j) Use italics for book titles with sentence-style capitalization (first word only, except for proper names), and use quotation marks for article titles from journals included within the text.

k) Words that need translation or a gloss should be italicized, followed by their translation or gloss inside brackets and inside quotation marks.

l) Dedications and acknowledgements should come after the last paragraph of the text and before the reference list.

m) Pages must be numbered. 

n) Explanatory notes must appear as a footnote, with continuous Arabic numerals throughout the text. 

o) In case of funding, the name of the agency must be indicated in the article's metadata under "Financing agency" and, if it is of interest to the authors, in a section at the end of the article.


3.1 Illustrations 

a) Tables, figures, pictures, illustrations, graphs, and drawings must be inserted in the text. Scanned images must be presented with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.experience reportexperience report

b) All images in the article must comply with the journal's Figure Submission Guide

c) All illustrations must have the author's authorization in case they are third parties. 

d) Materials from digital cameras must have at least 3 megapixels of optical resolution without compression (high definition module).

e) All images must be properly numbered and accompanied by captions and source indication.

f) The nomenclature for this type of material should be: Figure starting with a capital letter and the progressive numbering separated by a hyphen. Example: Figure 1. Restored classroom - should be placed above the material in the form of a caption. The source of origin is inserted at the bottom.

g) The Tables must be accompanied by a title that allows to understand the meaning of the collected data, without the need to refer to the text, always placed above. Follow the IBGE table standards. [Example: Table 1. Estimated higher education courses]. The source of origin is inserted at the bottom.

h) Tables are organized in rows and columns, analogous to Cartesian axes, defining cells, where data is displayed. Usually, tables are used in scientific fields to present numerical values. Tables are elements that consume a lot of time in their elaboration, layout and proof reading, therefore, they must be elaborated with care and used sparingly. Avoid using long tables that span more than one page. A table should be a simple and understandable element for any reader, it should be created in order to facilitate the exposure and comparison of information. A work that presents more than one table must maintain consistency in their presentation, in order to simplify the reading and comparison between them. Often the desired message can be delivered to the reader more efficiently using a structure other than a table, for example a list or nested list. Always opt for the simplest way. 

i) Avoid using expressions like "figure below" or "table above", for example, and always use the corresponding numbering of the referenced element: Figure 1, Table 1.


4. In-text Citations

a) Citations must follow the author-date system of ABNT NBR 10520:2023 standards.
b) The basic citation forms are presented and exemplified below:
- Author citation outside of parentheses: initial capital letter followed by lowercase with year and page.
According to Elia (1979), Bopp laid the foundations for identifying kinship between languages.
- Author citation in parentheses: initial capital letter followed by lowercase with year and page.
It is known today that it is not possible to support the thesis that Vulgar Latin was homogeneous (Elia, 1979, p. 42).
- Indirect citation: do not use quotation marks, but indicate author, date and page.
For Elia (1979, p. 2), there is a part-to-whole relationship between philology and linguistics.
- Direct citation with less than three lines: use double quotes, also indicating author, date and page; use single quotes for quote within quote.
They are called superstrata “[the] languages of conquering peoples that influence the language of conquered peoples without, however, absorbing it” (Elia, 1979, p. 110).
- Direct citation with more than three lines: paragraph indented by 4 cm, font size 10, without italics and without quotation marks, indicating the author, date and page at the end in parentheses.
As Elia recalls in relation to Bopp's method,
[u]one of the most important results of the method was the genealogical classification of languages, according to which a group of languages is traced back to a common ancestor (Common Slavic, Common Germanic, Common Latin...) of which those are phases or differentiations (Elia, 1979, p. 5).
- Interventions in direct citation: ellipses between square brackets for deletions; interpolations, additions, or comments between square brackets; emphasis or emphasis in italics.
They are called superstrata “[the] languages of conquering peoples that influence the language of conquered peoples without [...] absorbing it” (Elia, 1979, p. 110).
- Citation of more than one work by the same author published in the same year: add lowercase letter, in alphabetical order, after the date and without space in the text and references.
Portuguese has been contemplated in Romanesque studies in Brazil (Elia, 1979a, 1979b).
- Citation of more than one work by the same author published in different years: separate year by comma.
Elia (1961, 1989) addressed the issue of Brazilian Portuguese.
- Citation of works with more than one author: separate each author with a semicolon.
The dialectal differences between Brazilian and Lusitanian Portuguese appear at different linguistic levels (Cunha; Cintra, 1985, p. 9-24).
- Citation of works by different authors: separate each work by a semicolon in alphabetical order.
Romance linguistics has been treated in Brazil by different scholars (Elia, 1979; Miazzi, 1976).
- Citation of a work extracted from another work: indicate author and year of citation, put expression apud and indicate author, year and page of the work in which the citation was made.
As Meillet (1917-1919, p. 230 apud Elia, 1979, p. 4) had pointed out, “[l]es romanistes imitent trop souvent la grammaire comparée des langues indo-européennes par ses mauvais cotés”.
e) For other cases, direct consultation with the text of the ABNT NBR 10520:2023 standards is recommended.


5. References

a) The reference list should appear at the end of the text, or after the acknowledgments (optional). The references are alphabetized by authors' last name, single-spaced and justified  throughout, have no hanging indent, and no space between them.

b) The reference list must follow ABNT NBR 6023:2018.

c) Do not abbreviate the names of the authors in the references. 

d) Below are some examples of references:

- Books: author's last name (using all capital letters) followed by comma and initials (followed by a period), title (in italics) and subtitle (not italicized), edition number, city of publication, publisher, year of publication.

BERTRAND, Denis. Caminhos da semiótica literária. Tradução: Ivã Lopes e Grupo CASA. Bauru: EDUSC, 2003.

- Dissertations, Master's Theses, or Undergraduate Theses: author, title, year, number of pages, type of document, degree, college name, name of institution, year of publication.

FETTERMAN, Joyce V. Os entornos virtuais da rede social My English Club e suas intervenções nos ambientes presenciais de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cognição e Linguagem) – Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes.

- Chapter in a book: author(s), title of chapter, use "In:", author(s), book title, edition number, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, start page-end page. For a chapter in a book by the same author, type five underlines and a period instead of the author's name. Use (Ed.) for an editor and (Org.) for a compiler.

COSCARELLI, Carla Vianna. Ensino de língua: surtos durante a pandemia. In: RIBEIRO, Ana Elisa; MATTOS VECCHIO, Pollyanna de (Org.). Tecnologias digitais e escola: reflexões no projeto aula aberta durante a pandemia. São Paulo: Parábola, 2020. p. 15–20.

- Journal article: author(s), article title, periodical title, city of publication, volume, issue number, start page-end page, year of publication.

PEREIRA, Daniervelin Renata Marques; FETTERMANN, Joyce Vieira; CÉSAR, Danilo Rodrigues. O que são recursos educacionais abertos? Limites e possibilidades em discursos. Calidoscópio, v. 14, n. 3, p. 458–465, dez. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 abr. 2021.

- Printed newspaper article:author name(s), article title, newspaper name, city of publication, publication date, section, page numbers.

SALLES, Wimar. A língua de Cesária aproxima o Brasil de Cuba e Cabo Verde. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 abr. 2001. Folha Ilustrada, Caderno E, p. 10.

- Papers published in conference proceedings: author(s),title of paper, use "In:",title of conference, year and location, title of published proceedings, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, start page-end page.

SILVA, Fernando Moreno da. Avanços da Semiótica Francesa: Estudos na Comunicação. In: INTERCOM – XII Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Sul. Londrina: [s.n.], 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 abr. 2021.

- Electronic Sources (databases, websites, computer programs, emails, etc.): author(s), title, version, medium of publication.

HOUAISS, Antonio et al. Dicionário eletrônico houaiss da língua portuguesa. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2001. 1 CD-ROM.

d) Include all the following information in the reference of sources that are available online: URL, DOI or permalink, preceded the phrase “Available in:”, date of access (day, abbreviated month, year, separated by space), preceded by the phrase "Accessed on:".

DINIZ, Dilma Castelo Branco. Cartas inéditas de Dom Pedro II a Henri Gorceix: tradução e comentário. Caligrama, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 1, p. 125-142, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 out. 2014.

e) Add DOI to the reference if there is such information.

f) For further information on referencing or citing your sources, please refer to ABNT NBR 6023:2018.


6. Critical reviews submission rules

Critical reviews are published as long as they present relevant scientific content and observe the following guidelines:

a) Refer to works related to higher education, published in the last three years.

b) Be unprecedented.

c) Written in Portuguese, Spanish or French.

d) Contain the complete identification of the work (complete reference).

e) Extension from 10,000 (approximately 3 pages) to 14,000 (approximately 5 pages) characters (with spaces), including, if any, references; citations and bibliographic references in compliance with the general formatting rules of the journal.

f) Contain a description of the work's content, being faithful to its main ideas, its foundations, its method etc., as well as critical analysis, that is, a dialogue between the reviewer and the work.

g) Present textual quality in terms of academic style and language.

h) Present one or more citations in the text;

i) List the bibliographic references of the citations;

j) Include in the body of the review the cover of the reviewed publication (size 200 x 289 pixels).

l) send the text in the journal template.

m) the reviewer must not be the author of the reviewed work.

The submissions of critical reviews will have the same principles and norms for evaluating scientific articles.


7. Interview Submission Guidelines

In line with CONEP Resolution No. 510/2016 (National Council of Ethics in Research), the interviews submitted to Texto Livre must contain as an attachment the adapted Interview Consent Form (TCE), to exempt Texto Livre from future problems. Therefore, those interested in submitting work in the Interview Section should download the PDF file of the term in the link below, fill it out, sign it, scan it and attach it in the Texto Livre OJS System. Term in English (when the interview is abroad). (Editable PDF)


8. Dossier Submission Rules 

Dossier proposal object

a) Dossier proposals should be linked to one of the journal's priority lines of publication or to emerging/relevant aspects in the interdisciplinary field between language, education and technologies from studies and research. 

b) Thematic Dossier proposals will consist of at least 10 and at most 15 unpublished articles, including prefaces and afterwords, which maintain a thematic articulation among themselves and constitute an important and innovative contribution to the field in focus. 

c) The Dossier must contain at least 20% of articles in English and 20% of international authors. 

d) The publication of more than two articles per institution is prohibited. 

e) Proponents and/or organizers may be authors or co-authors of, at most, one article, which will be evaluated like the other articles in the Dossier. 

f) Each article can have up to three (4) authors. 

g) The articles in the dossier will be submitted to the double blind evaluation process.


Modalities of proposals

The Dossier proposals are of three modalities:

Modality 1 – The proponent-organizers will be external to the Journal and will have the freedom to choose the theme and select the articles in the dossier.

Modality 2 – The journal's editorial board chooses the theme and the organizers who will select the articles that will make up the Dossier.

Modality 3 – The journal's editorial board chooses and organizes the theme of the dossier, based on an open call for articles.

Proponents and/or organizers

As for the organizers:

a) A maximum of three, all researchers in Higher Education, one of them being linked to a Stricto Sensu Graduate Program.

The dossier proponents and/or organizers are responsible for:

a) select articles from open call notice.

b) organize the dossier and take co-responsibility for its editorial production during all stages of its editing process in the journal;

c) write the presentation of the thematic dossier to be published, in accordance with the rules of the Texto Livre.

Proponents and/or external organizers may not have participated in the organization of a thematic dossier and article in Texto Livre in the last eighteen months.

Proposal registration

The dossier submission proposal must include:

a) The title of the dossier and an abstract in which the theme is articulated to the focus and scope of the journal;

b) Title and abstract of each article according to the rules of Texto Livre;

c) the names of the organizers and authors and their respective institutional affiliations, address, e-mail, and ORCID. Applications with incomplete documentation or that do not meet the requirements of these guidelines and the journal's publication standards will be disregarded.


9. Granting of authors' rights and responsibilities 

By submitting an article to Texto Livre and having it approved, the authors agree to assign, without remuneration, the following rights to the Journal: the rights of first publication and the permission for Texto Livre to redistribute this article and its metadata to the services of indexing and referencing that their editors deem appropriate. The merit, conceptions, ideas, and proposals of any order contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the respective authors.

APCs (article processing fee) and submission fee

The Texto Livre is free of fees to for authors, both in submission and publication.


It comprises scientific works with an unpublished and original theme. Also welcomes works that originate from a scientific study encompassing also texts that contain complete reports or studies completed research or development.


It is intended for an argumentative text, which can be the presentation of a study or the development of a theme within the scope of the journal.

Experience reports

Section that includes communications and descriptions of activities carried out on the topics covered by the journal.

Critical reviews

Objective texts with critical analysis of published works, films and videos that have been published recently (last two years) and on the topics covered in the journal. The review should be 3 to 5 pages maximum. It must be unpublished.


Interviews in the areas covered in this journal.

Dossier 2025: Contributions of technologies to new didactic approaches in teaching foreign languages and translation in pandemic and post-pandemic situations

Artigos que tiveram o resumo aceito pelo organizador do número.

Privacy Statement

Copyright of the author of the manuscript

The author of a manuscript published in Texto Livre journal holds the copyright of the publication. The responsibility for the content of the manuscripts rests solely with the authors.

The following information will be included in the publication of the articles:

"Copyright © Year of publication Authors' surnames. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original article is properly cite."

Website content copyright

Texto Livre journal adopts the policy of licensing its content by Creative Commons under the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which allows its users to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build on the material for any purpose, even commercially.


Privacy Policy

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.