Public sphere and disinformation in a local context


  • Luísa Torre Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política, LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Covilhã, Portugal
  • Pedro Jerónimo Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política, LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Covilhã, Portugal



Public sphere, Local journalism, Regional media, Disinformation, Fact-checking


Disinformation is not a new phenomenon. Even so, in recent years its relevance on the public agenda has increased, as the victory of Brexit supporters in the UK or the election of Donald Trump for US president have shown. Academic interest runs in parallel to the consideration of disinformation as a growing priority for governments and international organizations. On the other hand, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the decline of regional media, already affected by the digital transformation and declining business models, now challenged by the platforms, which became essential mediators in the advertising market. The decline of regional media leaves communities in a state of serious vulnerability as information is increasingly consumed through social media, where disinformation easily proliferates. As in the pandemic context, disinformation is also a virus that spreads quickly and has a high potential for damage to democracy, namely at a local level. It is precisely where we intend to focus the debate, curiously where it has been little present. It is precisely from the local public sphere that responses to disinformation can emerge, especially in a collaborative relationship between journalists and (other) active members of the community.


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Author Biographies

Luísa Torre, Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política, LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Covilhã, Portugal

MediaTrust.Lab Research Fellow and PhD student in Communication Sciences at the University of Beira Interior. Her research interests are disinformation, social networks, journalism and power. Master’s in Communication Sciences from the University of Porto (Portugal), she worked as a multimedia journalist for about 10 years in local newsrooms in Brazil.

Pedro Jerónimo, Universidade da Beira Interior, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Departamento de Comunicação, Filosofia e Política, LabCom - Comunicação e Artes, Covilhã, Portugal

Main researcher in MediaTrust project. Researcher at LabCom – Communication and Arts from the University of Beira Interior. His research interests are related to local journalism, digital transition of local media and digital media, media and digital literacy, disinformation.


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How to Cite

TORRE, L.; JERÓNIMO, P. Public sphere and disinformation in a local context. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 16, p. e41881, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1983-3652.2023.41881. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.