Automated journalism in news about traffic accidents

emergency services information dump




Automated journalism, News, Traffic accidents, Digital press, Mynewsonline


In this work, the process of producing news about events in the Spanish digital press has been studied. A content analysis was carried out on news related to the main external causes of mortality (traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning and suicides) published in the six main Spanish digital media (,,,, and during the period 2010-2020. The selected news items (n = 5, 727) were obtained through the digital newspaper library Mynewsonline. A  qualitative study has also been carried out (in-depth interviews with professionals and a focus group). The results show a high number of news items published on traffic compared to other external causes of death with higher mortality. It is also appreciated that the media automatically transfer the information they receive from the emergency services. It has even been detected that most of the news events coded in this study are exact copies that are published on the same day in different media (headlines and the body of the news).


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Olivar de Julián, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación / ESIT, Logroño, La Rioja, España

Doctor en Comunicación (Sociedad del Conocimiento y Acción en los Ámbitos de la Educación, la Comunicación, los Derechos y las Nuevas Tecnologías), Beca de Excelencia UNIR 2017. Post doctorado en Comunicación en Universidad de Navarra (10, MH). Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Máster Universitario en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, la Calidad, el Medio Ambiente y la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Máster Universitario en Metodologías Activas. Profesor de Grado y Máster en UNIR. Miembro del Grupo de investigación COYSODI (Comunicación y Sociedad Digital).


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How to Cite

OLIVAR DE JULIÁN, F. J. Automated journalism in news about traffic accidents: emergency services information dump. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 17, p. e49369, 2024. DOI: 10.1590/1983-3652.2024.49369. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.