
analysis of multimodal ddiscursive strategies for the promotion of reading in TikTok




Education, Internet, Reading, Social Networks, Interactive Video


Booktoks are short videos that showcase content about books and literature on the TikTok platform, evolving from other online literary practices such as blogs or booktubers. These contents, with a unique mobile-adapted format, have progressively increased since 2020, becoming a phenomenon that has reached millions, especially among younger readers. The aim of this research is to identify and differentiate the multimodal strategies that booktoks use for promoting reading. Through a content analysis of a previous sample of 500 videos, ten different booktok dynamics are identified, some of which are innovative compared to previous models. Subsequently, a multimodal analysis of ten specific booktoks is conducted to demonstrate the new ways of discussing books through short videos. The types of interaction between video, sound, and content proposed by booktoks are described. New dynamics are identified, along with others inherited from booktubers, but it is confirmed that the mobile platform imposes a significant speed in the consumption of reading-related videos.Booktoks are short videos that showcase content about books and literature on the TikTok platform, evolving from other online literary practices such as blogs or booktubers. These contents, with a unique mobile-adapted format, have progressively increased since 2020, becoming a phenomenon that has reached millions, especially among younger readers. The aim of this research is to identify and differentiate the multimodal strategies that booktoks use for promoting reading. Through a content analysis of a previous sample of 500 videos, ten different booktok dynamics are identified, some of which are innovative compared to previous models. Subsequently, a multimodal analysis of ten specific booktoks is conducted to demonstrate the new ways of discussing books through short videos. The types of interaction between video, sound, and content proposed by booktoks are described. New dynamics are identified, along with others inherited from booktubers, but it is confirmed that the mobile platform imposes a significant speed in the consumption of reading-related videos.


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How to Cite

ROVIRA COLLADO, J.; MARTÍNEZ CARRATALÁ, F. A.; MIRAS, S. Booktok: analysis of multimodal ddiscursive strategies for the promotion of reading in TikTok. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 17, p. e51641, 2024. DOI: 10.1590/1983-3652.2024.51641. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.