A Poetical Workshop of Memories


  • Douglas Valeriano Pompeu Universidade Livre de Berlim




literature, photography, bricolage, W. G. Sebald


In 2001 the last book of the then already famous German writer W. G. Sebald, Austerlitz was published. Marked by the tour, the melancholy tone, by employing factual references and the use of photographs, the book is characterized as a hybrid genre between the factual and the fictional, which can also be called autofiction. In this article, I present and discuss the creative process from contact with the estate of the author regarding the use of photographs in his narrative. Given the particularities of that estate, I assume that it operates like an extension of the author’s work and that with him there is a constant discussion with the practice and the concept of archive that runs through and is reflected in all the Sebald’s creative procedure. During the analysis of the material relating to Austerlitz, by stressing the role of similarity and analogy in his practice as a collector of images, the proposal is to point out the author’s interest for the problem of gaze, visual perception and representation, ultimately, his poetic procedure near to the bricolage practiced by well-known artists as outsiders.


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How to Cite

Pompeu, D. V. (2014). A Poetical Workshop of Memories. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 24(2), 77–94. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.24.2.77-94



Dossiê - Literatura e Fotografia - Memória e Arquivos