The Nocturnal Time in “Cicatrices” by Juan José Saer


  • Raquel Alves Mota Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



time, experience, perspective, game, representation


From the publication of Cicatrices (1969), Juan José Saer designs a new narrative perspective in which the essential is the meticulous work with the structure of the novel. This debate is consolidated by means of the detachment of perspective and the spread of a more objective relationship to the world. The priority in Cicatrices is time structures: the characters are struggling against temporal succession and casting aside their own experience. Time stuns senses making it impossible for the character to have a complete experience: it ends up that the way out is a different relationship with the world. The novel thus has four voices which differently rival the time diachrony: the first narrator resorts to representation; the second of this game, the third from the translation, and the last one discuss man’s freedom or the possibility of defeating destiny. These actions are gestured by means of a direct confrontation with time and thus enhance its place as the impairer of one’s own experience.


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Author Biography

Raquel Alves Mota, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutoramento em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada - Linha de Pesquisa: Políticas do Contemporâneo.


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How to Cite

Mota, R. A. (2015). The Nocturnal Time in “Cicatrices” by Juan José Saer. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(1), 113–128.



Dossiê - O Noturno na Literatura e nas Artes