Qualidade de relatos de revisões sistemáticas sobre traumatismo dentário
Traumatismos dentários, Revisão, Dentição permanente, Dente decíduoResumo
Objetivo: Realizar uma overview relacionada ao assunto traumatismo em dentes decíduos e permanentes, bem como analisar a qualidade metodológica e o risco de viés dos trabalhos incluídos (PROSPERO CRD42018107840).
Métodos: Este trabalho foi conduzido de acordo com o Preferred Reporting Items for Overviews (PRIO). A estratégia de busca foi aplicada nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, WebScience, Embase, Cochrane e Scopus; que incluiu publicações até outubro de 2020, sem restrição de ano e idioma. Foram avaliados os critérios de elegibilidade: trabalhos com enfoque em lesões traumáticas dentárias; apresentar termo “revisão sistemática” (RS) e/ou “meta-análise” no título ou resumo, critérios de elegibilidade, técnicas sistematizadas para coleta e análise de dados, e instrumentos para avaliação da qualidade dos estudos incluídos; identificar as bases de dados utilizadas na pesquisa; abranger o assunto: traumatismo de dentes permanentes e/ou decíduos ou tecidos de suporte. Foi realizada a avaliação da qualidade das RSs utilizando o Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR2) e averiguada a aderência do artigo ao Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Os resultados foram analisados pelo Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) a fim de classificar a certeza da evidência científica e avaliado o risco de viés pelo ROBIS.
Resultados: Foram identificados 2.561 trabalhos, sendo 2.469 excluídos, totalizando 92 artigos incluídos. Nota-se que a partir do ano de 2018 os trabalhos apresentaram melhor qualidade metodológica. E a maioria dos trabalhos apresentaram certeza da evidência científica alta pelo sistema GRADE modificado, e risco de viés baixo pela ferramenta ROBIS.
Conclusão: As revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises incluídas apresentaram dificuldade no processo de estruturação metodológica atribuindo, em média, certeza da evidência científica alta para o GRADE, como também risco de viés baixo pelo ROBIS.
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Petti S, Glendor U, Andersson L. World traumatic dental injury prevalence and incidence, a meta-analysis - one billion living people have had traumatic dental injuries. Dent Traumatol. 2018;34(2):71-86.
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Soares TRC, Fidalgo TKS, Quirino AS, Ferreira DMTP, Chianca TK, Risso PA, et al. Is caries a risk factor for dental trauma? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2016; 33(1):4-12.
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Najeeb S, Siddiqui F, Khurshid Z, Zohaib S, Zafar MS, Ansari SA. Effect of Bisphosphonates on Root Resorption after Tooth Replantation - A Systematic Review. Dent Traumatol. 2017;33(2):77-83.
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Petti S, Glendor U, Andersson L. World traumatic dental injury prevalence and incidence, a meta-analysis - One billion living people have had traumatic dental injuries. Dent Traumatol. 2018;34:71-86.
Soares TRC, Magno MB, Jural LA, Loureiro JM, Chianca TK, Risso PA, et al. Risk factors for traumatic dental injuries in the Brazilian population: A critical review. Dent Traumatol. 2018;34:445-54.
de Sousa APBR, França K, de Lucas Rezende LVM, Poubel DLN, Almeida JCF, Toledo IP, et al. In vitro tooth reattachment techniques: a systematic review. Dent Traumatol. 2018:34:297-310.
Souza BDM, Dutra KL, Kuntze MM, Bortoluzzi EA, Flores-Mir C, Reyes-Carmona J, et al. Incidence of root resorption after the replantation of avulsed teeth: a meta-analysis. J Endod. 2018;44(8):1216-27.
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Arraj GP, Rossi-Fedele G, Dogramaci EJ. The association of overjet size and traumatic dental injuries - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2019:35:217-32.
Clark D, Levin L. Prognosis and complications of mature teeth after lateral luxation: A systematic review. J Am Dent Assoc. 2019;150(8):649-55.
Fernandes LM, Neto JCL, Lima TFR, Magno MB, Santiago BM, Cavalcanti YW, et al. The use of mouthguards and prevalence of dento-alveolar trauma among athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2019;35:54-72.
Ferreira GB, Guimarães LS, Fernandes CP, Dias RB, Coto NP, Antunes LAA, et al. Is there enough evidence that mouthguards do not affect athletic performance? A systematic literature review. Int Dent J. 2019;69(1):25-34.
Knapik JJ, Hoedebecke BL, Rogers GG, Sharp MA, Marshall SW. Effectiveness of Mouthguards of the Prevention of Orofacial Injuries and Concussions in Sports: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2019;49(8):1217-32.
Lima TFR, dos Santos SL, Fidalgo TKS, Silva EJNL. Vitality tests for pulp diagnosis of traumatized teeth: a systematic review. J Endod. 2019;45(5):490-9.
Magno MB, de França Leite KL, Pithon MM, Maia LC. Are traumatic dental injuries greater in alcohol or illicit drugs consumers? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019;236-49.
Magno MB, Neves AB, Ferreira DM, Pithon MM, Maia LC. The relationship of previous dental trauma with new cases of dental trauma. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2019;35:3-14.
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Antunes LAA, Lemos HM, Milani AJ, Guimarães LS, Küchler EC, Antunes LS. Does traumatic dental injury impact oral health-related to quality of life of children and adolescents? Systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Dent Hygiene. 2020;18:142-62.
Darley RM, Fernandes e Silva C, Costa FDS, Xavier CB, Demarco FF. Complications and sequelae of concussion and subluxation in permanent teeth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020;00:1-11.
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Fronza HP, Stolf SC, Taguchi CMC, Coto NP, Padilha ACL. Determinants for traumatic orofacial injuries in sport: Extrinsic factors in a scoping review. Dent Traumatol. 2020;00:1-9.
Goswami M, Rahman B, Singh S. Outcomes of luxation injuries to primary teeth - a systematic review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020;10(2):227-32.
Khandelwal P, Srinivasan S, Arul B, Natanasabapathy V. Fragment reattachment after complicated crown-root fractures of anterior teeth: a systematic review. Dent Traumatol. 2020:00:1-16.
Moccelini BS, Alencar NA, Magno MB, Bolan M, Maia LC, Cardoso M. Is there an association between crown discoloration and pulp necrosis in traumatized per in vitro permanent teeth? A meta-analysis. Braz Oral Res. 2020;34:e103.
Najeeb S, Al-Quraini AAA, Almusallam HAA, Zafar MS, Khurshid Z. Effect of laser treatment on outcomes of tooth replantation - a systematic review. J Taibah Univ Med Sc. 2020;15(3):169-76.
Oliveira Werlich M, Honnef LR, SilvaBett JV, Domingos FL, Pauletto P, Souza BDM, et al. Prevalence of dentofacial injuries in contact sports players: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020;36:477-88.
Polmann H, Melo G, Conti Réus J, Domingos FL, Souza BDM, Padilha AC, et al. Prevalence of dentofacial injuries among combat sports practitioners: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020;36:124-40.
Resende KKM, Faria GP, Longo DL, Martins LJO, Costa CRR. In vitro evaluation of plants as storage media for avulsed teeth: a systematic review. Dent Traumatol. 2020;36:3-18.
Silveira ALNDMES, Magno MB, Soares TRC. The relationship between special needs and dental trauma. a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020;36:217-36.
de Souza BDM, Dutra KL, Reyes-Carmona J, Bortoluzzi EA, Kuntze MM, Teixeira CS, et al. Incidence of root resorption after concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, intrusion, and extrusion: a systematic review. Clin Oral Investig. 2020;24(3):1101-11.
Tewari N, Goel S, Rahul M, Mathur VP, Ritwik P, Haldar P, et al. Global status of knowledge for prevention and emergency management of traumatic dental injuries among schoolteachers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2020;00:1-16.
Tewari N, Mathur VP, Siddiqui I, Morankar R, Verma AR, Pandey RM. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Indian J Dent Res. 2020;31(4):601-14.