Centrifuge 2.0

a useful software for soil particles separation and soil solution extraction





Sedimentation, Particles size, Centrifugation, Soil analysis


The centrifugation of samples is frequently required in laboratory analysis, whether be it for chemical, physical or biological analysis of soil. The software Centrifuge 1.0 is a simple tool available that enable researchers to quantify the energy applied to samples during the centrifugation process. This study aims to demonstrate the new option of calculus incorporated into the software, such as sedimentation of particles in fluids in the centrifuge and analyses the deviation on outputs caused by variations in the values of the parameters used. In its 2.0 version, the Centrifuge software is more useful in carrying out laboratory techniques, because it can be applied to quantify energy in samples or sedimentation of solids particles in fluids during the centrifugation process. The software Centrifuge 2.0 is freely available and can be obtained with the authors.


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How to Cite

Somavilla, A., Gubiani, P. I., & Parisi, P. B. (2019). Centrifuge 2.0 : a useful software for soil particles separation and soil solution extraction. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 11, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.35699/2447-6218.2019.15853



Scientific Reports
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