Phytotoxicity of mercury and mechanical scarification in Sapindus saponaria L. propagation


  • Bruno Oliveira Lafetá Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais. São João Evangelista, MG. Brasil.
  • Lucimeiri Alves Nascimento Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais. São João Evangelista, MG. Brasil.
  • Carlos Henrique Souto Azevedo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais. São João Evangelista, MG. Brasil.
  • Tamires Mousslech Andrade Penido Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Diamantina, MG. Brasil.
  • Luiz Felipe Ramalho de Oliveira Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Diamantina, MG. Brasil.



Seedling development, Germination, Mercury II oxide


Soil contamination by mercury is a serious environmental problem, with potential for food chain biomagnification and damage to human health. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of HgO on germination and seedling development of Sapindus saponaria submitted to mechanical scarification. The experiment was established in completely randomized design with four repetitions of 25 seeds, in 4 x 2 factorial arrangement, being studied the effect of four concentrations of HgO in vermiculite (C1 – 0.000 g/cm3;.C2 – 0.025 g/cm3; C3 – 0.050 g/cm3 e C4 – 0.075 g/cm3) and two pre-treatments (P1 – Control: seeds with intact integument and P2 – mechanical scarification with electric emery). Attributes related to germination and seedling development were evaluated. F-test, regression analysis and paired t-test were performed, all of the 5.0 % statistical significance. Mechanical scarification with electric emery favored seed imbibition (100.0%), germination (85.25%) and emissions of lateral roots (70.0%) and shoot (76.25%). The presence of mercury in vermiculite impaired seedling development. It was concluded that mechanical scarification with electric emery can be indicated to overcome seed dormancy of S. saponaria. This species tolerate low concentrations of HgO (0.0045 g/cm3) without causing further damage to its growth and accumulation of green mass.


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How to Cite

Lafetá, B. O., Nascimento, L. A., Azevedo, C. H. S., Penido, T. M. A., & Oliveira, L. F. R. de. (2019). Phytotoxicity of mercury and mechanical scarification in Sapindus saponaria L. propagation. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 11, 1–8.



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