Box-Cox transformation and dendrometric modeling of open-grown-trees in the Cerrado biome in Minas Gerais




Dimensional relations, Forest measurement, Morphometry


The present study aimed to evaluate the Box-Cox transformation performance in dendrometric relationship prediction of open-grows-trees at Minas Gerais Cerrado. For each tree were measured the diameter at 0.3 (d0.3), 0.7 (d0.7) and 1.3 m (d) above ground, as well as total height (h), base crown height (cbh), crown length (cl) and crowd diameter (cd). In cases of forked stems were calculated the equivalent diameter (deq). The description of dendrometric relationships using the diameter at 1,3 m above the ground were compared by adjusted models with and without Box-Cox transformation. A total of 193 trees were measured, belonging to 29 botanic families and 56 species. According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Breusch-Pagan and Durbin-Watson tests, no traditional equation attended the regression assumptions, although, after the Box-Cox transformation some of them attended. The adjusted equation using the Box-Cox transformation presented precision increase in the estimation, principally for the variables d0.3, d0.7, h and cd. Box-Cox transformation can be used to the data check or at least improve the statistics of the regression assumptions.


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How to Cite

Bueno, G. F., Costa, L. S., & Costa, E. A. (2021). Box-Cox transformation and dendrometric modeling of open-grown-trees in the Cerrado biome in Minas Gerais. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 13, 1–9.



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