Diets with silage of branch cassava associated with in natura sugarcane in feedlot of cull ewes


  • Cristina Maria Pacheco Barbosa Instituto de Zootecnia/Apta/SAA - SP. Nova Odessa, SP. Brasil.
  • Márcia Marise de Freitas Cação Unidade Regional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Assis/APTA Regional. Assis, SP. Brasil.
  • Gabriela Aferri Instituto de Zootecnia/Apta/SAA - SP. Nova Odessa, SP. Brasil.
  • Mabel Crespo Nicot Instituto de Ciência Animal, Havana. Cuba.
  • Marcelo de Almeida Silva UNESP Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas. Bolsista do Programa de Cooperação Internacional Capes/Mes-Cuba. Campus de Botucatu. Botucatu, SP. Brasil.
  • Roberto de Jesus Garcia Lopez nstituto de Ciência Animal, Havana. Cuba.



Carcass, Diet, Dry matter intake, Ingestive behavior, Sheep


The sugarcane has been used in animal feeding for its high production for providing lower production costs compared to the roughage. However, require supplementation with nitrogen sources, as branch cassava. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance carcass characteristics and eating behavior of cull ewes in feedlot with diets content sugarcane (SC), silage of branch cassava (SBC) and concentrate (CO), in the proportions (SC:SBC:-CO%): 50:25:25, 25:50:25, 50:50:0 e 25:75:0. Thirty two adult ewes were allocated in individual pens for 39 days, in a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight replicates. The evaluated characteristics were: dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed efficiency, hot carcass weight, carcass yield, time spent in ingestion, rumination and idleness. The final weight of ewes did not differ between treatments. Average daily gain was greater (P<0.05) for animals fed with 50:25:25. The dry matter daily intake and feed efficiency were lower (P<0.05) in diets without concentrate, 50:50:0 and 25:75:0. Weight and yield of hot carcass did not differ between animals fed with different proportions of sugarcane, silage of branch cassava and concentrate. There was no difference for the time spent with ingestion, rumination and idleness. The proportion of 50% sugarcane, 25% cassava silage and 25% concentrate was the best combination of feeds for the diet of cull ewes in finishing feedlots.



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How to Cite

Barbosa, C. M. P., Cação, M. M. de F. ., Aferri, G., Nicot, M. C., Silva, M. de A., & Lopez, R. de J. G. (2022). Diets with silage of branch cassava associated with in natura sugarcane in feedlot of cull ewes. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 14, 1–7.



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