Population study of Brazilian conductor’s occupation and its relation with health aspects





Conducting (Music), Occupational health, Professional diseases, Risk factors


This paper presents the results of a cross-sectional study of active Brazilian conductors. Data collection was carried out online through a questionnaire and self-applied assessment tools to investigate aspects of training, work and health impact of the participants' conducting activity. The results indicate problems in the training regarding health aspects and most realize that the places of activities they use are not satisfactory. The conductors realize that their work has a negative impact on the psychological, physical, vocal and auditory aspects respectively. The perception of pain associated with regency had a significant prevalence in the shoulders, neck and dorsal and lumbar regions. An association was found between complaints and prevalence of pain with specific work characteristics, the type of ensemble in which the conductors perform and the use of podium and piano. In conclusion, the study points to the need for curriculum evaluation in conducting courses regarding the existence of health content and the need to offer the regents solutions to the problems inherent in the work.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Augusto Mendes Geraldo, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Graduated in Music-Regency from the State University of Campinas (2012), Master (2013) and PhD (2019) in Music from the State University of Campinas. He is a professor in the Music course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in which he acts as coordinator and conductor of the UFMS Symphonic Band. He has performed as main conductor in the União dos Artistas Ferroviários Symphonic Band of Rio Claro, and as guest conductor in the Henrique Marques Band of Limeira, Symphonic Orchestra of Unicamp, Batatais Municipal Band, ALA 5 Music Band and Military Police Band of Mato Grosso do Sul. He is the creator of the event series "Mato Grosso do Sul Band Conductors Forum" and develops researches on conductor's technique and health.

Carlos Fernando Fiorini, State University of Campinas, Brazil

Bachelor in Music by State University of Campinas (1994), Master in Arts by State University of Campinas (1999) and PhD in Music by State University of Campinas (2004). Since 1998, he is a professor of Conducting at the Music Department of Unicamp, responsible for the areas of Choral Conducting, Orchestral Conducting, Choral and Madrigal. He has performed regularly as guest conductor of orchestras in Brazil and abroad. He worked as assistant conductor of the Symphonic Orchestras of the State University of Londrina, Sorocaba and Bragança Paulista. In 2000 and 2001, he acted as conductor and musical director of the "Aldo Baldin" Festival, in Florianópolis, and of opera productions by Cia. Ópera São Paulo. From 2005 to 2008, he was assistant conductor and titular of the Orquestra Sinfônica Municipal de Campinas. In 1996, he created the Camerata Anima Antiqua, a group dedicated to Renaissance music, of which he is artistic director.


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How to Cite

Geraldo, Jorge Augusto Mendes, and Carlos Fernando Fiorini. 2021. “Population Study of Brazilian conductor’s Occupation and Its Relation With Health Aspects”. Per Musi, no. 40 (June):1-19. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-6377.2020.19593.



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