Introduction of active methods in Higher Artistic Music Education in the specialty of percussion




Educational innovation, Higher artistic education, Amadeo Roldán, Edgar Varèse, Percussion


Higher music studies present a lack in terms of the use of active methodologies that are relevant in current teaching. This article is systematized with the main objective of evaluating the incorporation of educational innovation program in teachings with artistic characteristics. To do this, a qualitative methodology has been used from carrying out an intervention on higher education students specializing in percussion, taking as reference the pieces for percussion ensemble by the composers Amadeo Roldán and Edgar Varèse. The results obtained provide data that project the suitability of application of these methodological innovations. The final considerations reflect the achievement of greater and diverse objectives by the experimental group compared to the group in which traditional teaching has been applied. This intervention has contributed to the opening of new fields of research within musical didactics.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Botella Nicolás, University of Valencia, Spain

Professor at the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education of the University of Valencia. Degree in Geography and History (specializing in Musicology) and Diploma in Teaching (specializing in Music Education) from the University of Oviedo. Professional degree in Music in the specialty of Piano and International Master of Music in the same specialty by the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Oviedo "Eduardo Martínez Torner". Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia with the thesis that analyzes and catalogs the music of Moors and Christians of Alcoy, as well as the didactic application in the secondary classroom, for which he won a scholarship awarded by the Institute of Culture Alicantino "Juan Gil-Albert" (Diputación Provincial de Alicante). Career civil servant of the body of secondary education teachers since 2001, currently on leave of absence. She belongs to the iMUSED research group with the aim of deepening the knowledge of music education from multiple perspectives.

Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, University of Valencia, Spain

Doctor in History of Art: Musicology, graduated in Conservatory and graduated in Philology. She is a professor of Didactics of Musical Expression at the University of Valencia since 2014. She has been a professor of Secondary Education for twenty years, associate professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and San Vicente Mártir University of Valencia and collaborated with the universities of Malaga and Valencian International. She is a member of the Governing Board of the Spanish Society of Musicology. He has coordinated the online cataloging of the musical heritage preserved in the Royal College-Seminary of Corpus Christi in Valencia, a project funded by CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana. He has about thirty publications. His main lines of research are the recovery of Hispanic musical heritage with applications in teaching and improving the quality of university education.

Lluís Marzal Raga, Conservatory of Music "Salvador Seguí" of Castelló - Higher Institute of Artistic Education of the Valencian Community (ISEAC)

Doctor in Art by the Universitat Politècnica de València. Professor of percussion at the Conservatori Superior de Música "Salvador Seguí" of Castellón. He has been associate professor at the Faculty of Teaching at the University of Valencia. Among the awards he has received, it is worth mentioning the Extraordinary End of Career Award, First Prize in the Permanent Competition of Juventudes Musicales de España and the National Music Award (2005) in the specialty of interpretation as a member of the Grup Instrumental de València. He has participated in several R+D+I Research Projects and his line of research focuses on musical performance and the implementation and development of new teaching methodologies applied to higher music studies.


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How to Cite

Nicolás, Ana María Botella, Rosa Isusi-Fagoaga, and Lluís Marzal Raga. 2023. “Introduction of Active Methods in Higher Artistic Music Education in the Specialty of Percussion”. Per Musi 24 (December):1-15.



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