Endangered soundscapes

a music learning situation for secondary education





music education, secondary education, environmental education, Learning situations, project work


This case study examines a learning situation that bridges the gap between environmental education and music education. Starting from the concept of sound ecology, secondary students created soundscapes of ecosystems threatened by climate change and human activities. To achieve this, they conducted research on ten endangered ecosystems and used Audacity software to recreate the three components of the soundscape for each of them: biophony, geophony, and anthropophony. Finally, they developed an interactive map showcasing all the projects and held a public exhibition of their work. The results demonstrated a positive impact on student motivation and a significant enhancement of their environmental competence. Regarding project development, challenges emerged due to variations in students' competency levels and difficulties in adhering to the initial time schedule. This study also analyzes the strategies employed to address these challenges.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Botella Nicolás, University of Valencia, Spain

Professor at the Department of Didactics of Physical, Artistic, and Musical Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training, University of Valencia. Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia. Graduate in Musicology and Master in Musical Education from the University of Oviedo. Professional degree in piano and International Master's in the same field. She is the author of more than a hundred publications in her area of expertise, the didactics of music, including articles in international academic journals with peer review. A selection of publications is available on her profile at https://uv.academia.edu/ABotellaNicolás  or on her website https://www.anamariabotellanicolas.com. Her main research lines include the didactics of listening, innovation, and interdisciplinarity in teacher training, and the renewal of teaching methodologies.

Pablo Ramos Ramos, IES Ramon Llull of Valencia, Spain

Secondary education teacher specialized in music. Doctor in specific didactics from the University of Valencia and Master 2 in musical research from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. His research work is articulated through the paradigm of the teacher as a researcher and focuses on music teaching in secondary education. The projects he has developed in the classroom have received awards such as the Rafaela García López Award for Service Learning (University of Valencia), the National Education Award for Development Vicente Ferrer (Ministry of Education and AECID), or the National Award for Inspirational Educational Experiences for Learning (Ministry of Education), among others.


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How to Cite

Nicolás, Ana María Botella, and Pablo Ramos Ramos. 2024. “Endangered Soundscapes: A Music Learning Situation for Secondary Education”. Per Musi 25 (March):1-15. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-6377.2024.48283.



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