The melodramatic poetics of the Seicento

beyond the myth of Count Bardi's camerata




Poetics, 17th Century, Opera, Tragedy, Liberal arts


We analyze the poetics of the 17th century around the birth of opera, trying to clarify their philosophical assumptions. I will show that the key ideas of Mei, Galilei and Bardi, such as the distinction between ancients and moderns, the critique of polyphony versus monody and the subordination of music to poetry, are founded on the distinction between liberal and servile arts. The new idea of realizing a commedia tutta in musica, contrary to what the myth of the camerata, was not relevant and was only introduced ad hoc by Rinuccini and Caccini, followed later by other theorists who hardly questioned the old ideas. Only Pietro della Valle will lay the foundations of a new poetics, closer to the Modern Age than to the Ancient Age.


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Author Biography

Daniel Martín Sáez, Oviedo University, Spain

He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Madrid, a degree in Philosophy and in Musicology, and a Master in Advanced Studies in Philosophy. He is currently professor of Metaphysics and Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Oviedo. He has received the Otto Mayer Serra International Music Research Award from the University of California and the 1st Prize of the Spanish Society of 18th Century Studies. He has been VSRC of Princeton University and has made another research stay at the University of Ferrara. He has also been professor at the University of Granada and the Complutense University of Madrid. He has published several articles on philosophy, music and opera and has participated in several international conferences.


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How to Cite

Sáez, Daniel Martín. 2021. “The Melodramatic Poetics of the Seicento: Beyond the Myth of Count Bardi’s Camerata”. Per Musi, no. 41 (July):1-22.



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