Teaching Science to deaf Students: A Case Study on Regular Classrooms, the Specialized Educational Service and Educational Interpreters
Science teaching, Specialized Educational Service, Brazilian sign language interpreter, DeafnessAbstract
Regular schools must ensure that students who are deaf have a special education from an inclusive perspective, thorough access to a Specialized Educational Service (SES) and a bilingual education in the presence of the educational interpreter (EI). Given these legal recommendations, this qualitative case study examined the process of inclusion and teaching of science of a deaf student from the eighth grade in a public elementary school in the south of Minas Gerais. The research sought to answer the following guiding questions: What strategies are used by the science teacher, the SES and the EI to teach/interpret science? What are their difficulties? Do these sectors articulate with each other? How has bilingual education been provided? To answer such questions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with these professionals and with a family member of the student. Content Analysis was conducted on the data obtained. The results showed that the professionals use solid visual and material resources as facilitators for science teaching. However, the lack of knowledge about Brazilian sign language makes the communication between teacher and student difficult, leaving the interpreter with an overload of functions. The articulation is almost non-existent between the teacher and the interpreter, which causes difficulties when interpreting scientific content. The study highlights the importance of further reflection on lexical expansion in Brazilian sign language regarding scientific terms, as well as broader discussions about the training of these professionals and their communication in school contexts.
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