Sharing an Art(sci)culated Proposal for Physics Teachers and Scientists in Training
Expressive Arts in a Student-centered Approach, Feyerabendian Pluralism and Relativisms, Learning SequenceAbstract
In the context of (re)humanization of educational and scientific fields, we designed an art(sci)culated learning sequence for undergraduates and teachers-in-training in physics. This activity is supported by the educational framework of Carl R. Rogers, in line with the proposal of expressive arts by Natalie Rogers — and by Paul K. Feyerabend’s epistemology. The theme involved a graphic novel and its associated texts, and encompasses discussions about the transformations in the ways of thinking and doing science and physics, which are pictorially recorded by some cultures and in certain historical moments. The Art(sci)culated Exposure proposes the development of artistic projects related to the aforementioned historical-philosophical debates. Finally, feasible and viable ways to implement the activity are presented, and demonstrated to be realistic in concrete conditions such as that of Institutes and Universities.
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