Problematizing Scientific Practices in Physics Classes: the Use of an Interrupted History to Discuss Science in an Epistemological-Contextual Way
Cultural History of Science, Physics Teaching, Historical NarrativesAbstract
In agreement with authors who defend a study on Sciences, we find in the Cultural History of Science a contribution from which scientific production can be discussed in classrooms. We understand that this contribution makes it possible for scientific practices to be identified and problematized in a study about the sciences with the purpose to highlight their cultural character. As a pedagogical strategy, we used the reading of Historical Narratives based on the potential of the narrative genre to involve students in studying, to facilitate the immersion of readers in the historical context studied and for the greater ease of reading through the language used. We present a Historical Narrative constructed in three parts, allowing moments of interruption and questioning, and propose its use to problematize common scientific practices in the scientific production in Mechanics in the early eighteenth century.
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