After all, who am I? Oh, this is the big puzzle!: (re) negotiation of meanings in the (de) construction of the identity nexus as a teacher-researcher who teaches about Sciences
identity, negotiation of meanings, teacher-researcher, identity nexus, science teachingAbstract
Our objective is to understand identity both as a nexus of multifiliation and as the reconciliation of the different forms of affiliation to social communities in order to understand how the (re) negotiation of meanings forges an identity nexus as a teacher-researcher who teaches about Sciences. In this qualitative investigation, we adopted life story as a research device, and the autobiographical narrative as the source for data production, which we analyzed according to the identity construct in practice proposed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. To assist us in this analysis, we engage in the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, highlighting the merit of the dialogue between science and art for the production of knowledge. Since we belong to various social communities, we (re) negotiate ways to be members in each of them, (de) constructing an identity of affiliation, as well as creating means of continuity between these communities through identity reconciliation.
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