Evaluating Teaching Proposals Based on Socio-scientific Issues: Reflections and Perspectives for Primary Science Education
Science education, STSE Education, Teaching proposoalsAbstract
Latest research shows the need to rethink scientific and technological education and to reflect on a curriculum aimed at student politicization, which encouraged decision-making and socio-political actions toward greater socio-environmental justice. This approach composes some currents of Science-Technology-Society-Environment Education (STSE) that point to the use of Socio-scientific Issues (SSI) as a pedagogical strategy. However, there are few studies in Brazil on the evaluation of SSI-based teaching proposals, especially in primary education. Considering that this evaluation contributes to a better application of these proposals, increasing the chances of success in scientific education, we aim, in a descriptive-exploratory work, to analyze characteristics of these SSI-based teaching proposals, at the primary education, found in the literature, based on authors of the field. For this, we have developed an analytical tool, in the form of a radar chart, composed of axes listed through the studying of relevant literature. Such axes allow inferring implications for teaching that can be obtained from the analyzed proposals. After analysis, we realized that the didactic proposals have been elaborated in order to establish the relationships between the STSE domains, in an approach contextualized with the student's reality, mobilizing the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal dimensions of the contents. However, it is necessary that a conscious decision-making, justified by arguments, as well as preparation and engagement for socio-political actions, receive greater attention in these teaching practices. In addition, we suggest questions to improve the tool that we developed, to better characterize SSI-based teaching, even at different educational levels.
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