Epistemic Emotions in Teaching Scientific Argumentation





Epistemic Emotions, Argumentation, Anxiety, Interest, Training Teachers


INTRODUCTION. The issue of the emotional dimension in the educational field is inextricably tied to motivational and learning processes. The epistemic emotions connected with certain learning objectives, specifically science argumentation, were the subject of this study. In this way, the research’s major goal is to understand the epistemic emotions that prospective educators express when they commit to learn in order to teach argumentation in science classes, both before and after participating in an academic activity at a Colombian public university. METHOD. A study based on action-research was designed to address the primary objective, and descriptive and thorough techniques were integrated for the information analysis. The participants were 57 students enrolled in an academic activity as part of a teacher training program’s curriculum. RESULTS. It is notable that epistemic emotions like enjoyment and curiosity are present. These emotions are important for triggering deep information processing strategies Also, anxiety was detected and linked to tasks such as outcome evaluation and activity regulation. FINAL REMARKS. Promoting reflexive actions on epistemic emotions contributes to and enriches not only the understanding of the relationship between emotions and epistemic objectives, but also the gradual reduction of negative emotions like anxiety and, consequently, the strengthening of positive emotions such as enjoyment and curiosity, both of which are linked to the motivation to achieve deep learning.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Ortega, F. J. (2022). Epistemic Emotions in Teaching Scientific Argumentation. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e39184, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2022u11671185


