Attitudes Related to Sustainable Consumption of Middle School Students: A Systematic Review




attitudes, sustainability, responsible consumption, middle school education, environmental education


The environment has suffered the negative impacts of the constant rise in the consumption of goods and services worldwide. Therefore, it has become necessary to encourage citizens to adopt attitudes of sustainable consumption to ensure resources future generations. The objective of this work was to conduct a systematic review of published studies on the exploration and promotion of attitudes related to sustainable consumption (ACS) of middle school students from 2010 to 2022. For this purpose, research was carried out in seven relevant databases in the scientific community, and, once the sample of 14 articles was identified, the content analysis was performed. The results indicate a small number of publications on ACS at this educational level, and it is the European countries are making more efforts in this direction. It was also identified that attitudes towards sustainable consumption of various products and the sustainable production of food have been the most studied topics. Lastly, it was recognized that the strategies which affect positively on the promotion of ACS consist of allowing students to broaden their knowledge about the environment and sustainable consumption, to interact with real local scenarios outside the classroom and to be able to make decisions.


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How to Cite

Lara-Espinosa, I. (2024). Attitudes Related to Sustainable Consumption of Middle School Students: A Systematic Review. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e52649, 1–24.


