Higher education
implications of professors’ academic training in discourses on teaching and learning
Academic education, Professionalization of teaching, Teaching performanceAbstract
This article presents results of a research whose aim was to study how the speeches of professors who work in Information Systems courses are configured about the teaching and learning processes and their possible articulations with their formative trajectories. In order to do so, we developed a qualitative research, through which the empirical corpus was constructed from the statements of 23 (twenty-three) professors from three higher education institutions, in Rio Branco/Acre. The systematization and analysis of the empirical material depict, in terms of perceptions of teaching and learning and their possible articulations, that the teaching speeches focus on the figure of the student, as being the subject who learns, and on the object of knowledge, the content that must be taught, which may, in our view, be the result of the training processes to which they have been submitted.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Breno Cavalcante do Nascimento, Francisco Sidomar Oliveira da Silva, Aline Andréia Nicolli
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