The spiritual dimension and the meaning of life in nursing care
phenomenological approach
Spirituality, Existentialism, Life, Nursing Care, Professional PracticeAbstract
To reflect on the inference of the spiritual dimension and the meaning of life in nursing care provided to patients. It is a reflective study on nursing care,
centered on the spiritual dimension and the meaning of life, based on existential phenomenological presuppositions. The articulation of the study
with phenomenology made it possible to understand that care, as a phenomenon of nursing, occurs in a world of experiences and intersubjective
experiences and that the awakening of consciousness through values, motivates the meaning of life, besides making it possible to care of several
purposes and meanings for existence. It is concluded that care centered on the meaning of life based on the spiritual dimension, enables the nursing
professional to open for interior transformation, personal development and consequently improvement of their care actions in a humane, holistic,
integral and, above all, ethical way.
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