Association between persistent nipple lesions and breastfeeding conditions
Breastfeeding, Newborn, Nipples, InjuriesAbstract
The objective of this study was to verify associations between the persistence of nipple lesions in puerperae and breastfeeding conditions. The data were collected in the Rooming-in sector at the HU-USP and a post-partum nursing consultation. Sixty puerperae presenting nipple lesions during hospitalization were included in the study. A total of 73.3% had healed-scared nipples and 26.7% some type of lesion. The average healing time was 5.6 days. A significant association was observed between the persistence of nipple lesions, inadequate suction patterns, and nipple pain. It was concluded that the first post-partum week is critical, and assistance to puerperae is needed. The association between inadequate suction patterns and nipple lesion persistence underscores the importance of breastfeeding assistance.References
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