O Golpe Civil-Militar e os usos da fotografia na Folha de S. Paulo e Jornal do Brasil - edições de 31.03.1964 e 02.04.1964.


  • Thomas Dreux Miranda Fernandes Università degli Studi di Cagliari


This article aims to analyze the uses of photography within the journalistic narrative construction in the newspapers Jornal do Brasil and Folha de S. Paulo during the 1964 civil-military coup in Brazil from the point of view of the Dialogism proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin / Volóchinov. To this end, two key dates were chosen to understand the behavior of each newspaper. Based on a proposal of an analytical deconstruction of the images, some differences in the approach between the two publications were observed through variations in the photographic language, sometimes more pragmatic in defending their interests, or more permissive in the making of the narrative formulation. The understanding of the paths of narrative-discursive construction and the different uses of available languages, can help to create new understandings about the importance and role of discursive dispute within the comprehension of what was the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Brazil and its relationship with the press national. 


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