Conceptions of literacy to the teaching of the portuguese language in times of use of digital artifacts
Literacy, Multiliteracies, New literacies, New literacy studiesAbstract
This article aims to present a theoretical study about the main literacy concepts that underlie the teaching of the Portuguese language in contemporary times. For this, we developed a bibliographic research. Currently, there are mostly three theoretical conceptions about literacy: New Literacy Studies, Pedagogy of Multiliteracies and New Literacies, whose main representatives are Brian Street, Magda Soares and Ângela Kleiman, for New Literacy Studies; Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Roxane Rojo, for Multi-tools; and Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel, for New Literacies. It appears from the study that every literacy view is linked to a conception of language and to a conception of society, and that the school is the main agency of this literacy, tending to develop its reading and writing practices from a certain ideological positioning, established by values, power relations and perspectives that reflect the literacy model chosen to guide the elaboration of the curriculum to be implemented and all the work in the classroom.
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