SEM model in neuromarketing as a planning tool in higher education
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Neuromarketing, Educational marketing, Strategic planning, SEMRésumé
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between marketing, neuromarketing and strategic planning at the university level. This study is based on a quantitative methodology with an interpretative paradigm, through a non-experimental, transectional, explanatory, descriptive and correlational research design. For this purpose, a Likert scale was elaborated for 616 students and graduates of the careers offered at the 25 de Mayo Campus of the Universidad Columbia del Paraguay. The analysis was carried out through a Pearson's r correlation, a descriptive analysis and an exploratory factor analysis (SEM), concluding that it is necessary to develop educational marketing actions with different approaches to the current ones. If the educational institution wants to be competitive, it has to strengthen actions to attract potential students through techniques that are competitive in today's society, and that is where neuromarketing comes in. The SEM model allows us to conclude that there is a relationship between university, educational marketing, neuromarketing, quality higher education and strategic planning, highlighting that strategic planning is the key to quality higher education, and that in the educational field marketing should be based on neuromarketing, although it is not yet an indicator of quality higher education.
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(c) Tous droits réservés Adriana Estefania Mónico Bordino 2022
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