Media as a critical pedagogy scenario to promote reexistence literacies with pre-service English teachers



Mots-clés :

Resistance narratives, Reexistence literacies, Digital media, Critical pedagogy, Linguistic and cultural education


This study aims to reveal how media, as a critical pedagogy scenario (Apple, 1990; McLaren; Kincheloe, 2007), can promote reexistence literacies, through the development of resistance narratives (Kleiman; Sito, 2016; Silva-Souza, Ana Lúcia, 2009). It is a Qualitative Online Research (QOR) (Denzin; Lincoln, 2005) focused on the sociocritical paradigm (Freire, 1970) and Young Participatory Action Research (Mirra; Garcia; Morrell, 2015). We conducted this study through an online media course composed of 18 sessions, with 18 preservice English teachers from Universidade Federal do Piauí (located in the northeast of Brazil) and Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (located in Medellín, Colombia). The research evidences that: a) the majority of the pre-service English teachers reveal some lack of awareness concerning the critical use and consumption of information in communication means; b) the development of reexistence literacies occurs when the individuals are conscious and empower themselves in their scenarios to fight for a world with more justice and equity; c) Reexistence may occur when critical pedagogical practices of resistance are employed. In conclusion, we highlight the importance of using the media to question power structures, promote critical education for equity, and generate scenarios for the active participation of teachers and students to promote the development of reexistence literacies through resistance narratives.


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Comment citer

CASTRILLÓN ÁNGEL, E. F.; RODRIGUES, B. G. Media as a critical pedagogy scenario to promote reexistence literacies with pre-service English teachers. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 17, p. e46827, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1983-3652.2024.46827. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 juill. 2024.