Technologies and Distance Education in Higher Education
use of active methodologies in an undergraduate course
Flipped clasroom, Project based learning, Media StudiesAbstract
Digital information and communication technologies have contributed enormously to the development, reformulation and dissemination of Distance Education. Through these technologies it has been possible to establish different approaches to distance education and, more recently, with the feasibility of mobile wireless technologies, distance education activities have contributed to the implementation of active teaching and learning methodologies. The objective of the article is to discuss how technologies and distance education resources helped in the development of active methodologies, and how these methodologies were used in the discipline CS106 - Methods and Techniques of Research and Development of Products in Media Studies, given in the period of 2007 to 2016, as part of the course of Social Communication – Media Studies. The documentary method was used for the study of the activities carried out in the course based on records of students' work in the virtual learning environment. The results show that the active methodologies used were project-based learning and flipped classroom, and the production of the students, as well as their performance, can be considered of good quality. Also, attrition and failure in the course were practically non-existent.
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