Nearly Nothing, Love? – When Ana C. Translates Emily D.


  • Telma Franco Diniz Universidade de São Paulo



translation, rewriting, comments, Emily Dickinson, Ana Cristina Cesar


In this article, I examine and comment on Ana Cristina Cesar’s translation options to the poem “The Dying need but little, Dear”, by Emily Dickinson, while drawing, at the same time, a parallel between hers and Jose Lira’s and Isa Mara Lando’s choices when they translated the same poem. In order to do so, I consider the poem’s meter and rhyme schemes, as well as its prosody and imagery. I also ponder on some modulation such as omission and addition introduced by the translators in the target-poem. Two of Ana Cristina Cesar’s essays, from the book Crítica e tradução, ground my standing point: “Cinco e meio” [Five and a half], where Ana herself elaborates on her experience in translating the poem in question, and “Traduzindo o poema curto” [Translating short poems], where she attempts to structure her own thoughts on the translation of poetry.


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Author Biography

Telma Franco Diniz, Universidade de São Paulo

Tradutora e Doutoranda no programa de Pós em Estudos da Tradução no Departamento de Letras Modernas da USP.


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How to Cite

Diniz, T. F. (2015). Nearly Nothing, Love? – When Ana C. Translates Emily D. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(2), 139–159.



Dossiê - Tradução Comentada