
  • Bárbara Melo Franco Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas
  • Paulo Rogério Ferreti Bonan Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Claudiojanes Reis Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas
  • Daniella Reis Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
  • Hercílio Martelli Junior Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros


Epidemiology, Oral lesions, Dentistry


The Sociedade Mineira de Estomatologia is a scientific organization which brings together stomatology, oral pathology and correlated areas of dentistry courses and other service institutions that actively work in these areas, at the Minas Cerais State, Brazil. This scientific society was founded in 1994, and ever since, it has carried out yearly the Jornada Mineira de Estomatologia, which is characterized by expressive and significant presentations about clinical cases regarding alterations and oral lesions. The

goal of this study was to describe the main oral lesions and alterations found between 1995 and 3006, the definitive diagnosis and the main features of oral pathology epidemiology. A retrospective analysis of the twelve years was carried out. Of the 739 analyzed abstracts, 746 lesions were described as being bone lesions (13.8%), malignant neoplasm (13%), odontogenic tumors (9.9%), and non odontogenic tumors (9.1)%. Considering the lesions separately, squamous cell carcinoma, ameloblastoma and peripheral ossifying fibroma were the most frequent. There were more cases of bone

lesions and malignant neoplasms, although there was a wide variety of clinical cases. Therefore, it was concluded that the lesions were more frequently found in adult women of miscellaneous color; and, they were mostly bone lesions, malignant neoplasm, and odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions.


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How to Cite

Franco, B. M., Bonan, P. R. F., Reis, C., Barbosa, D. R., & Junior, H. M. (2016). BUCCOFACIAL LESIONS PRESENTED DURING THE “JORNADAS MINIERAS DE ESTOMATOLOGIA” FROM 1995 UNTIL 2006. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 42(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/arquivosemodontologia/article/view/3416




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