Methodological profile of food sensory experiments from 2014 to 2019




Integrative review, Sensory analysis, Bibliometrics, Sensometrics


Sensory analysis came from the need to improve food quality beyond its physical, chemical and microbiological features. Sensory attributes are used to assess the sensory quality of food as well as how well it meets the consumer's wishes. Experiments are designed in industry and research centers to detect differences between food formulations and preparations to choose the most tasty and nutritious ones, and those most likely to be sold or traded. However, the literature is scarce of review studies on the main methodological characteristics of sensory experiments. This paper is an integrative literature review that aims to profile the sensory experiments from 2014 to 2019. A survey of 1989 articles, filtered to 236 and refined to 66, found that the median number of participants was 50 people and 10 trained tasters, 1 food or product analyzed, 4 samples for evaluation, 3 treatments and only 1 replication (session). The main attributes used are color, aroma, taste and texture. Knowing the characteristics commonly used in sensory experiments can help researchers to design new experiments or criticize them so that future experiments can be improved from some point of view.


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How to Cite

Camocardi, A. F., & Ferreira, E. B. (2020). Methodological profile of food sensory experiments from 2014 to 2019. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–16.



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