Singing together for health citizenship in Acre (Amazon): IFAC Choir in Sena Madureira



Choir singing and health, Extension project and health, IFAC and music in the Amazon


This article discusses the actions of “IFAC Choir”, an extension project conduced at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre, State of Amazon, Brazil. This project was conceived and developed in the city of Sena Madureira, between December 2011 and December 2012. Social impacts of this experience reinforce and validate the idea of building health and citizenship through the practice of singing together.

Author Biographies

  • Douglas Marques Luiz, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre (IFAC) - (Brazil)

    Douglas MarquesLuizis a professor of Basic Technical and Technological Education in the area of music at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre (IFAC). He holds a Master's degree in Languages: Language and Identity from the Federal University of Acre. He has a Bachelor's degree in Music from the Federal University of Acre. He develops several works of music in ensemble acting as conductor (vocal and/or instrumental chamber groups) and instrumentalist (renaissance lute and singer).

  • Tania Cremonini de Araújo-Jorge, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil)

    Tania Cremonini de Araújo-Jorge is a physician by training and educator by performance, having completed her PhD in Science (Biophysics) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1987 and post-doctoral studies in 1989-90 in Belgium (ULB) and France (INSERM). She was director of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, where she is a full researcher. Currently she is the coordinator of the Teaching Area at CAPES/MEC. She has extensive bibliographic production and more than 40 mentoring experiences in masters and doctoral degrees in the areas of parasitology, immunology, clinical and translational research and teaching. She works in the development of research projects, educational materials and social technologies articulating science, art, health and joy.

  • Marcus Vinicius Campus Matraca, University Federal of Recôncavo of the Bahia (Brazil)

    Marcus Vinicius de Campos Matraca is a Social Scientist, Musician and Clown. He has a Bachelor's degree from the State University of São Paulo (1995), Master's degree in Collective Health from the State University of Campinas (2003) and PhD in Teaching of Biosciences and Health by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (2009). He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Southern Bahia and completes his post-doctoral fellowship at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute with the Brazil Without Extreme Poverty program (2013). He is coordinator, professor and advisor of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Science, Art, Culture in Health and Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Teaching Biosciences and Health, both at Fiocruz. She has experience in the area of Social Sciences, with emphasis on socioanthropology, ethnography, ethnomusicology, science and art, health, participant research and popular education. In the arts he researches and works as a street clown (Palhaço Matraca) and as a musician he is a saxophonist and researcher of musical manifestations in the territories visited by the Fiocruz Scientific Expeditions with the "Brazil Without Extreme Poverty" Plan.


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How to Cite

“Singing Together for Health Citizenship in Acre (Amazon): IFAC Choir in Sena Madureira”. 2015. Per Musi, no. 32 (November): 1-19.

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