The trutruka playing as a representation of Mapuche resistance in the urban popular music scene in the Region of Los Lagos, Chile




Music, Mapuche, Williche, Topic, Ethnomusicology


This article aims to inform the first findings from a research that examines some urban musics performed in the Region of Los Lagos, which incorporate music elements linked to the mapuche-williche culture. In this article, we present the background information that shows the construction of a mapuche-williche musical movement, as well as the analysis developed that allowed us to determine the emergence of some music elements that could be understood as topic representations. As a result of that, we found the presence of a musical topic that we regard as “mapuche in resistance”, which expressed through musical items performed by a trutruka or that incorporate mimetic allusions about this instrument. Finally, we discuss the possible uses of this analysis and its influence for decentralizing the ethnomusicology practices in the chilean context, as well as the capability of diverse approaches to determine musical topics.

Author Biographies

  • Ignacio Soto-Silva, Humanities and Arts Department, University of Los Lagos (Chile)

    Ignacio Soto holds a Ph.D. in Musicology from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Valladolid, a Master's degree in Educational Sciences, and a Bachelor's degree in Musical Arts from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Humanities and Arts at the University of Los Lagos, Chile. His line of research is related to the study of identity construction in urban contexts, musical composition in the classroom, and the relationship between music and interculturality. He is a member of the study group on Music and Dance in Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). He is part of the board of the National Committee of ICTM in Chile.

  • Javier Silva-Zurita, Humanities and Arts Department, University of Los Lagos (Chile)

    Javier Silva-Zurita holds a Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology from Monash University, Australia. His line of research is related to the ethnographic study of Mapuche musical practices. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Arts at the Universidad de Los Lagos, Puerto Montt campus and is President of the Chilean Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music.

  • Franco Millán, Humanities and Arts Department, University of Los Lagos (Chile)

    Franco Millán Rute studied music performance on electric guitar at the Escuela Moderna de Música, Chile. He holds a degree in Education and a Master's in School Management. He also has Postgraduate studies in Cultural Management, Kódaly Musical Pedagogy, and Music Composition. His line of research is related to the study of popular music in the region of Los Lagos, Chile.

  • Myriam Núñez-Pertucé, Humanities and Arts Department, University of Los Lagos (Chile)

    Myriam Nuñez holds a bachelor degree in Music Education at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Postgraduate in Choral Conducting at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Music Performance and Research, Universidad Internacional Valenciana. She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Humanities and Arts at the Universidad de Los Lagos. She has served as Director of choral groups in the Los Ríos Region, both for children, young people and adults.


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How to Cite

“The Trutruka Playing As a Representation of Mapuche Resistance in the Urban Popular Music Scene in the Region of Los Lagos, Chile”. 2022. Per Musi, no. 42 (August): 1-25.

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