Symbology and heredity on the formation of a Grundgestalt

the first of Berg ́s Four Songs Op.2



Grundgestalt and developing variation, Musical symbology, Extraopus transmission


As a part of a broad research project that aims at elaborating a specific analytical methodology for the procedures of developing variation, the present study examines the possibility of, so to speak, hereditary (extraopus) transmission in the construction of the primordial idea (or Grundgestalt) of a musical piece. Thus, the analysis was focused on the first of the Four Songs op.2, by Alban Berg, of which the Grundgestalt is presented as a complex formed by several transformations of key-elements extracted from three pieces: Tristan and Isolde, by Richard Wagner, the First Chamber Symphony op.9, by Arnold Schoenberg, and the Piano Sonata op.1, by Berg.


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Author Biography

Carlos de Lemos Almada, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (Brazil)

Adjunct Professor at the School of Music, UFRJ, teaching both undergraduate and graduate levels. He holds a doctorate and a master's degree in Music from UNIRIO, both courses with research focused on structural analysis of the First Chamber Symphony op.9, by Arnold Schoenberg. He is a composer with several works presented in editions of the Bienal de Música Brasileira Contemporânea, as well as recorded in CDs by Ethos Brasil. He also works in popular music as an arranger, with several works recorded recently. He is a researcher with several articles published in academic journals, having presented papers in the last four ANPPOM congresses, based on his researches. He is the author of the books Arranjo (Editora da Unicamp, 2001), A estrutura do choro (Da Fonseca, 2006) and Harmonia funcional (Editora da Unicamp, 2009), as well as coauthor of a series of 12 books on Brazilian popular music, published between 1998 and 2010 by the American publishing house MelBay.


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How to Cite

Almada, Carlos de Lemos. 2013. “Symbology and Heredity on the Formation of a Grundgestalt: The First of Berg ́s Four Songs Op.2”. Per Musi, no. 27 (June):1-14.



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