Deciphering the guitar of João Gilberto in his arrangement of Desde que o samba é samba (2000)




João Gilberto, guitar, arrangement, Desde que o samba é samba, Caetano Veloso


When we talk about João Gilberto we talk about arrangement, versions, recording, revisiting and a refreshing of many songs that were recorded during his career, songs that in most cases are not his original compositions. This paper presents an investigation of João Gilberto’s harmony in his recording of Desde que o samba é samba. This work was made possible through the audition, transcription and comparison of João’s guitar and the first recording of the cited song. The audition, being key to identify aspects of his ideas, the transcription brought us, with detail, each note played by him, and finally, the comparison, being the raw material for the paper, allowed the detailed exploration on the musical ideas behind the recording, bringing theories about João’s concepts on structure, arrangement, harmony and his main instrument, the guitar, being those elements that together characterize João’s style of interpretation and arrangement.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Silva Espindola, Independent researcher, Brazil

Guilherme Silva Espindola graduated in Music at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina in 2021, where he had the chance to cross between different fields of research. Guilherme is currently guitarist and arranger at the extension program Engenho Musical – Big Band UDESC, under supervision of Dr. Cristina Emboaba. He has partipated in other groups as performer and researcher, such as AULOS – Núcleo de Flautas Doce UDESC (2017-2019), coordenated by Dr. Valéria Bittar, and the study group on José Eduardo Gramani’s “Rítmica”, coordenated by Dr. Luiz Henrique Fiaminghi (2019). During 2019-2020, researched about music for games, under orientation of Dr. Sérgio Paulo Ribeiro de Freitas. From late 2020 until his graduation, was a member of the Residência Pedagógica program, wich allowed students to research about teaching and connected them to public schools and its teachers.

Bruno Madeira, Independent researcher, Brazil

Awarded in over twenty national and international competitions, guitarist Bruno Madeira has been standing out as a soloist, teacher, and researcher. Ph.D in Music from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Bruno has performed as a soloist and chamber musician (in duos with flute, piano, voice, and violin) at various festivals, concert halls, and series in Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Ecuador, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. In 2022, he released his first album, "Colunas" (ProAC/SP), featuring Latin American music for solo guitar. He has been professor at the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina and Universidade Federal de São Carlos, and he is regularly invited to give concerts, lectures and masterclasses at universities, conservatories, and festivals.


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Nascimento, Hemilson Garcia do. 2011. “Recriaturas de Cyro Pereira: Arranjo e Interpoética na Música Popular”. Tese de doutorado apresentada ao Instituto de Artes da UNICAMP para obtenção do título de Doutor em Música, na área de Etnomusicologia. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

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How to Cite

Espindola, Guilherme Silva, and Bruno Madeira. 2023. “Deciphering the Guitar of João Gilberto in His Arrangement of Desde Que O Samba é Samba (2000)”. Per Musi 24 (June):01-22.



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