Musical corporality in popular music

a view of Baden Powell e Egberto Gismonti ́s performances on the guitar



Musical corporality, Music performance, Popular music, Baden Powell, Egberto Gismonti


Study based on the doctoral dissertation (SCHROEDER, 2006) in which I propose the concept of musical corporality to be able to explain the performances of five Brazilian popular musicians. Through the investigation of the relations that two of these musicians (Baden Powell e Egberto Gismonti) construct with their instruments (the popular acoustic guitar) and languages (instrumental popular music), we intend to emphasize the performance as a game of tensions between the particular possibilities of the musicians (for the realization as well as for the musical understanding) and the languages, genres and musical instruments chosen by them for expression. These instruments are marked by rules derived from a historical and collective process that does not happen in one single individual. On the other hand, the musicians are marked by possibilities and difficulties that do not allow the full realization of collective requirements. Music is born from this complex game.

Author Biography

  • Jorge Luiz Schroeder, University of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil) (UNICAMP)

    Bachelor in Composition (1987), Master in Education (2000) and PhD in Education (2006) from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He currently works as a research professional at the Institute of Arts at Unicamp. He coordinates the research group Music, Language and Culture (Musilinc) ( He also works as a professor in the Graduate Program in Arts at the Institute of Arts (Unicamp).


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Articles in Portuguese/Spanish

How to Cite

“Musical Corporality in Popular Music: A View of Baden Powell E Egberto Gismonti ́s Performances on the Guitar”. 2010. Per Musi, no. 22 (July): 1-14.

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