Body percussion in the band repertoire

case study of the work La corrida de toros, by Mario Bürki




Body percussion, Band repertoire, BAPNE Method, Musical pedagogy


When analyzing the band music repertoire, which includes works composed for wind ensemble as well as arrangements from orchestral compositions, an increase in the incorporation of body percussion as a compositional resource has been observed. This article focuses on the work La corrida de toros by Mario Bürki. The Swiss composer, in his descriptive symphonic poem, is dedicated to presenting the different parts of a Spanish bullfight, also called tercios if we stick to bullfighting terminology. Starting with the paseillo that leads the bullfighters into the arena, up to the tercio de muerte (third of death) in the final part. The composition includes sounds and rhythms combined with the percussion of different parts of the body. This paper presents a complete musicological analysis that contemplates structural, organological, harmonic and rhythmic parameters. Special attention is given to the aspects related to the musical function that body percussion plays in this composition.


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Author Biographies

Salvatore Di Russo, University of Alicante, Spain

Salvatore Di Russo is a PhD student at the University of Valladolid and member of the research group in Neuromotricidad y Alfabetización Motora (NEUROMOTRICITY) of the University of Alicante. He graduated in clarinet at the “Ottorino Respighi” State Conservatory of Music in Latina and since 2000 has held the role of Orchestral Member of the Italian Navy Band. He carries out an intense artistic activity both as a soloist and as a member of various musical groups. His performances at the Clarinet Fest held in 2011 in Los Angeles and in July 2013 in Assisi stand out. In 2010 he collaborated with the tango orchestra “Promart Orchestra”, producing the CD “Histoire Du Tango” with the Uruguayan singer Ana Karina Rossi. In 2011, together with the accordionist Pietro Bentivenga, he founded the duo "Milongaires" with the aim of spreading "Yiddish tango" by performing in tango festivals, milongas and cultural events such as the Casa della Memoria in Rome, the National Art Gallery Moderna and the Shoah Memorial in Bologna. He carries out an intense activity of promoting culture with particular attention to musical pedagogy. He obtained the Certificate of Professional Qualification of “Play-Musical Operator” of the Lazio Region and the Province of Rome, the 1st level Master's degree in "Psychopedagogy and Teaching of Specific Learning Disorders" at the "Niccolò Cusano" University of Rome and the Master de Investigacion in “Música Hispana” at the University of Valladolid. He also attended the Specialization Course for Teachers “Etnomusicología en las aulas” at the UNED in Madrid and the “Máster Internacional en didáctica de la percusión corporal” with the PhD Javier Naranjo Romero at the Florida University of Valencia. He has participated in several conferences including ERPA CONGRESS 2021, IV and V edition of CIDICO, ICTM 2023 and published in journals of high academic impact such as Retos. nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación. He has held teaching activities at the "F. Venezze" Conservatory of Music in Rovigo, the University of Alicante and in ERASMUS programs including that of the Teacher Academy.

Vicenta Gisbert Caudeli, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Doctor in Educational Sciences, Master in Neuroscience for Teachers, Master in Management Development Program in Academic Management of University Programs. Graduated in Oboe from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid. He has been a teacher in both Professional and Higher Conservatories, Municipal Music Schools and in Universities, teaching subjects in the Master's Degree in Primary Education (Isabel I University of Burgos), Master's Degree in Teacher Training (Antonio de Nebrija University and Alfonso X University The wise). During the 2020-2022 academic years, she has been Director of the Master's Degree in Musical Pedagogy at the International University of La Rioja. She is currently a PhD Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Autonomous University of Madrid, in the Interfaculty Department of Music (pedagogy section). His research areas are framed in Music Education, its didactics and pedagogy, as well as Attention to Diversity and Inclusion in the Music classroom.

Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo, University of Alicante, Spain

Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo holds a PhD from the Alexander von Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), a Master of Arts in Ethnomusicology (Maryland - USA) and a Master in Clinical Neuropsychology. He has two six-year research periods and has supervised more than 240 Master's theses and several doctoral dissertations. He has been awarded the Culture Prize by the City of Alicante (Spain) as well as the national prize for Didactics of Music (Estival Cuenca Prize) awarded by the University of Castilla La Mancha. He has more than 200 scientific articles, 20 books and 3000 international academic citations.  In Web of Science he has more than 50 high impact articles as a researcher in Neuromotor (BAPNE Method). In 2022 he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Brazil by the Universidade Hebraica and the International Order of Chaplains for his contributions in Neuromotor. He has participated in more than 10 research projects that have generated important scientific publications of impact. His research is linked to two lines of work: (1) Neuromotricity and executive functions through the BAPNE method (2) Music and movement in different cultures through body percussion. His research has been published in Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Sociedad Española de Musicología (SEDEM), Elsevier, etc. Research in Web of Science, Scopus and other impact search engines show him as the most prolific author on Neuromotricity and Body percussion at international level. He has been invited to give lectures and courses in USA, Japan, Venezuela, Italy, Paraguay, Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Norway, Denmark. He is an advisor in several countries and ministries, as well as trainer for the Choir and Orchestra System (Prince of Asturias Award) and academic consultant for this entity.

Antonio Domenico Pelizza, State Music Conservatory "S. Cecilia" of Rome, Italy

Antonio Domenico Pelizza was born in Alessandria in 1964. Clarinetist, composer, director of bands, teacher and music historian, he turns his attention to the recovery of forgotten works, but of high artistic value, by Italian composers, in order to make them available to our ensembles for the creation of a repertoire national band. Having approached music at the age of ten in the Banda del Collegio San Giorgio of Novi Ligure, he subsequently studied clarinet and music teaching at the “A.Vivaldi” Conservatory of Alessandria. The years of training, during which he perfected his instrumental practice with Roberto Catto, Paolo Budini, Giuseppe Garbarino, Nicola Conte and Franco Mezzena, were followed by those of the search for an artistic identity during which he explored numerous fronts of the universe musical: teaching at state schools, working as an instrumentalist in orchestral and chamber ensembles, directing band ensembles (Banda Musicale di Sarissola (Ge), Corpo Musicale “R.Marenco di Novi Ligure” and Fanfare “U.Ricagno” of the A.N.A. Section of Alessandria) and the encounter with the world of cinema thanks to the collaboration, as musical assistant, with directors such as Ermanno Olmi, Roberta Torre, Marcello Siena and Maurizio Zaccaro. In 2000, winner of a competition at the Banda Musicale della Marina Militare, he moved to Rome where the meeting with Nicola Hansalick Samale, Nicola Piovani and Raffaelo Tega led him to an in-depth study of conducting, composition of applied music and instrumentation for band at the “S.Cecilia” Conservatory where he obtained academic diplomas in these subjects. In 2015 he activated, at the "Cooperativa Sociale Gea Onlus" in Nepi (VT), a musical creativity laboratory aimed at developing artistic sensitivity and communication through the musical language of people with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Di Russo, Salvatore, Vicenta Gisbert Caudeli, Francisco Javier Romero-Naranjo, and Antonio Domenico Pelizza. 2024. “Body Percussion in the Band Repertoire: Case Study of the Work La Corrida De Toros, by Mario Bürki”. Per Musi 25 (April):1-41.




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