Diversity, Multiculturalism and Science Education at Enpec
Science Education, Diversity and Multiculturalism, EnpecAbstract
The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the thematic group created at the 2009 Enpec [Brazilian National Conference on Science Education Research] edition under the name Diversity, Multiculturalism and Science Education (DMSE). Our research question was: What is that working group like? We set out to examine the group’s production considering the DMSE sessions to be a forum where research is presented and debated. The methodology involved reading and organizing presentation titles, abstracts, keywords, problem questions, and references using the Free Interpretation Analysis approach, which draws connections between a researcher’s perspective and their study’s theoretical framework. Graphs show the most frequent topics within DMSE studies and their oscillations over the years. This paper provides data and results indented to help: a) mapping Science Education studies, observing how they address the reality and the particular conditions of teaching-learning processes in different Brazilian schools; b) introducing a more critical vein to the education of those involved in Science Education , encouraging them to think beyond instrumental aspects and to incorporate a political and ethical approach committed to building a less unequal society and to the defense of human rights; and c) advocating for a more plural Science Education, in which diverse voices can be heard.
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