Science Education against Prejudice: from Nature to Multinatures
Prejudice, Indigenous people, Natural sciences, Science teachingAbstract
This article presents an excerpt of a doctoral research in Science Education in which we sought to build a set of practices that support the fight against racial prejudice in science classes. This is the result of a movement of interaction between surveys on experiences of ethnic groups, villages and indigenous schools; movements of anti-racist education and decolonial pedagogies, in addition to a bibliographic study on the notion of multinatures. The main theoretical discussion of the article is about decolonizing the curriculum, supporting aspects that range from the awareness of the existence of prejudice in individuals and the society, go through the fight against discrimination, self and social criticism of the modern world, until new propositions, reinventions and reactivations of original practices and knowledge. This process resulted in 36 points to be observed and discussed by teachers of Natural Sciences in order to combat and minimize prejudice in the classroom. From these perspectives, acting against prejudice and discrimination in the classroom has as a maxim the principle of “unlearning to learn”, practiced in individual and social perspectives. The study also favored the indispensable perception of reviewing the role and meaning of nature, in light of a decolonial educational praxis.
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