Discursive Interactions, Practices and the Teaching of Special Relativity
Argumentation, Modern and Contemporary Physics, Argument, Theory of Special Relativity, University EducationAbstract
In this research, we analyzed the discursive interactions that emerge in the classroom during the design of a teaching sequence on the concepts of space and time, within the scope of the Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity (TSR). We also identified the engagment in epistemic practices by students and the teacher's role in this process. For this, we planned the sequence of activities developed with students in the first semester of an physics teacher education course. The activities were recorded in audio and video, divided into seven teaching episodes, then transcribed and analyzed using Argumentative Processes and Epistemic Practices and Movements. From the analysis, we identified the students' engagement in nine epistemic practices. This process involved a high degree of inference, so that the context was crucial to distinguish between practices. Another key element of the whole process was the teacher, as their actions throughout the episodes were modified according to the intended problem-situation or in order to meet the pedagogical objectives.
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