Metacognitive Skills in Assessment Tasks to Create Infographics in Initial Teacher Training
Graphic Organizers, Teacher Training, MetacognitionAbstract
Numerous studies have shown how important it is to employ instructional techniques that make it easier for students to acquire what are known as metacognitive abilities. In this sense, it is crucial to address this subject in teacher preparation programs, offering students a good opportunity to practice and absorb strategies of this nature. In order to build metacognitive abilities and understand pedagogical concepts in a teacher training course, this study presents and analyzes the findings of a didactic inquiry into the potential pedagogical advantages of employing graphical writing activities. A didactic intervention including the creation and presentation of infographics regarding several pedagogical ideas was conducted with a class of 35 students in the first training program for elementary school teachers. Data were gathered through participant observation. Infographics composition tasks seem to stimulate the use of various metacognitive skills and provide favorable conditions for acquisition, insofar as they give students the chance to perceive difficulties, explore different strategies to overcome them, improve prior knowledge, gain a better understanding of the topic in question, and let their creativity run free.
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