Blended Learning and How to Teach and Learn Science: A Systematic Review of Brazilian Theses and Dissertations Focused on Basic Education




Blended Learning, Science Teaching, Systematic Review


Traditional methods of teaching and learning science have been replaced by Blended Learning, a set of methodologies that employ digital resources in face-to-face and online activities. These newly established relationships open up avenues for instructional practice and student development. Literature reviews can thus be used to steer conversations concerning its implementation. In light of this potential, the current study presents a systematic evaluation of Brazilian theses and dissertations that examine blended models in Science Teaching. The procedures were carried out using the Parsifal Platform, an online tool for the elaboration of Systematic Literature Reviews that is structured into steps such as planning, search, import and selection of studies, data extraction and analysis. We picked 42 works with themes focusing on specific contents of Natural Sciences. With regard to procedural aspects, the bulk of the models proposed by the works require relatively minor modifications in terms of instructional approaches. As a result, they provide ways that are somehow more conventional and subject to disagreement. Regardless, no additional in-depth comparisons of which models and strategies are best suited for a specific location or topic was found. Therefore, publications in Natural Sciences that aggregate analyses and interpretations about the systematization of blended methodologies are still required.


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How to Cite

Blended Learning and How to Teach and Learn Science: A Systematic Review of Brazilian Theses and Dissertations Focused on Basic Education. (2022). Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e39554, 1-20.