Science Teaching and Technology Resources in the Early Grades of Basic Education




Science Education, Technology, Early Years Education, Fairy Tales, Inventions


This empirical and qualitative research evaluates investigative teaching practices that integrate technological resources, aiming at promoting contextualized learning in Science classes in the early years of basic education. To this end, we developed a project that involved 56 students, aged between 6 and 7 years, in a public school in the state of São Paulo. The project began with the fairytale universe and was developed through activities planned according to an educational perspective based on constructivism. The analysis of the pupils’ output was organized in a way to reveal, among other aspects: their engagement and active participation, stimulated by the use of technological resources as a distinguishing feature in relation to conventional instructional activities; signs of a conceptual formation in certain subjects of physics; an ability to make connections with everyday situations, and the development of authorship and perception of the learners’ role in building knowledge.


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How to Cite

Santos, V. G. dos, & Zanotello, M. (2019). Science Teaching and Technology Resources in the Early Grades of Basic Education. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 19, 683–708.


