Ways of Knowing and Implications for Gender Equity in Science Education





gender, womans’s ways of knowing, science education


In recent years, the debate on gender issues has become a focus of interest in science education research in Brazil. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of articles in the national literature that present a theoretical basis for gender studies in science education. Thus, this paper presents the women’s ways of knowing, according to the approach of Mary F. Belenky and her collaborators, as a possible theoretical framework for gender studies in this area. Five perspectives through which women draw conclusions about truth, knowledge and reality are outlined: Silence; Received knowledge; Subjective knowledge; Procedural knowledge; and the Constructed knowledge. After describing the five epistemological positions, we show how the study of these authors has been used in science education research and how their ideas can contribute to the planning of classroom interventions that seek to promote science teaching that is more equitable in relation to gender.


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How to Cite

Gedoz, L., Pereira, A. P. de, & Pavani, D. B. (2020). Ways of Knowing and Implications for Gender Equity in Science Education . Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 775–798. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2020u775798


