Ludwik Fleck’s Open Work




Ludwik Fleck, sociology of knowledge, thought style, active linkages, passive linkages


The Polish physician Ludwik Fleck (1896–1961) and his perspective on sociology of knowledge has been gaining prominence among Brazilian scholars in recent decades and, in particular, in the science teaching research field. In this theoretical study, we intend to present elements of this author's thinking that allow to characterize the openness of his work, that is, aspects that could potentially be interesting for science education when problematized, expanded and articulated. From the analysis of Fleck's main work (a book originally published in 1935) and his seven articles on epistemology, four of these elements were identified and addressed, namely: the concept of thought style; the concepts of active and passive linkages; the education and initiation of novices in a thought style; and Fleck's political stance. Finally, we pointed out some implications for the field of science teaching and established a brief dialogue with part of the academic literature that uses this framework. Our findings point to the richness and the theoretical and methodological relevance of the Fleckian framework for the future development of science teaching research.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. F. P. (2020). Ludwik Fleck’s Open Work. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 1197–1226.


