Chemistry Teachers in Initial Formation: What they Think and Say about the Relations between Environment, Science, Technology and Society




Science education, STS education, Environmental education, Science/Chemistry teacher training


This article aims to investigate the understandings of undergraduates in Chemistry regarding the relationships between Environment, Science, Technology and Society, in order to support training processes to be developed in the context of science education. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with students from a state university, who expressed the way they understand these relationships from problematic and/or controversial situations present today and trending in social media. The information obtained was analyzed through Discursive Textual Analysis, which paved the way for the establishment of three main categories: i) Science and Technology: “Does everything depend on how I use it?”; ii) Is it possible to conserve and develop? and; iii) Can science and technology save the planet? Among the results found are: lack of perception and recognition of the process of construction of Science-Technology (ST); escape from objective reality and silence/concealing of the discussion about the capitalist material base; existence of contradictory and inaccurate conceptions regarding the (non) neutrality of the ST; variety of positions about the (un) reconciliation between conservation and development, often linked to an understanding of environment that is close to impacted nature, and; an optimistic view of the social implications of ST and the role of people in addressing and solving social problems. In addition, undergraduates generally present poorly elaborated responses, whose prominent reductionist and narrow views need to be problematized in initial science teacher education courses.



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How to Cite

Silva, R. L., Almeida, E. dos S., Nascimento, E. S. do, & Prudêncio, C. A. V. (2019). Chemistry Teachers in Initial Formation: What they Think and Say about the Relations between Environment, Science, Technology and Society. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 19, 537–563.


