Nutritional and biochemical parameters of sheep consuming extruded roughage with different contents of Uruchloa brizantha compared to traditional corn silage




Extrusion, Fiber, Ovis aries


The objective was to evaluate the nutritional parameters, feeding behavior and energy and protein metabolism of sheep fed with different types of extruded roughage. Twenty adult Santa Inês sheep were placed in individual metabolic cages. The experiment lasted 21 days: fifteen days of adaptation and six days of data collection. The treatments were diets containing corn silage or extruded roughage with different contents of Uruchloa brizantha in its composition (52.5%, 60% and 65%). An experiment was carried out to determine dry matter intake (DMI) and apparent dry matter digestibility (DMD). Blood collection for analysis of blood metabolites was performed through jugular venipuncture. Feeding behavior was assessed for 24 hours. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and five replications. The treatment means were compared using the Tukey test at a 5% level of significance. The DMI (kg / day) and in relation to body weight (BW%) and water intake (liters / day) were higher (P <0.05) in animals that received extruded roughage. The fecal weight showed the same response pattern, and did not change the fecal score. The time spent in ingestion, rumination and chewing were shorter (P <0.05) for the animals that received exclusively corn silage, but their respective efficiencies were lower when compared to the extruded roughage. Blood urea levels were lower for animals that received corn silage (P <0.05). Therefore, the use of extruded roughage with an Uruchloa brizantha content of up to 65% can replace corn silage without causing metabolic disorders for sheep.


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How to Cite

Araujo, C. M., Oliveira, K. A., Macedo Junior, G. de L. ., Silva, S. P. da, & Silva, D. A. de P. . (2020). Nutritional and biochemical parameters of sheep consuming extruded roughage with different contents of Uruchloa brizantha compared to traditional corn silage. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–11.



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