Analysis of the presence of activity salivary alpha-amylase enzyme in dogs




Enzymatic activity, Saliva, Starch


Alpha-amylase is an enzyme united to calcium that initiates the digestion of carbohydrates in the oral cavity as well as in oral vestibule. In animals, alpha-amylase is secreted by the pancreatic tissue of all vertebrates and  by the salivar glands of some. However, it is observed that studies on the presence of alpha-amylase activity in the saliva of dogs are scarce and contradictory between literatures. Accordingly, the aim of this investigation was to identify the presence of alpha-amylase enzyme in dogs. The protocol used to determine the enzyme was described in the specific colorimetric kit and adapted, being used as a basis the modified colorimetric. In this methodology, a reagent kit was used to determine amylase activity, where the saliva sample was incubated with starch substrate and heated to a temperature of 38,9°C, to simulate a dogs average body temperature. By adding the iodine solution, the non-hydrolyzed starch acquires a blue color that decreases proportionally to the enzymatic activity, being compared with a control. With the results obtained from this research, it is possible to conclude that, when performing the laboratory analysis of the samples collected, it was possible to observe that there is no significant presence of alpha-amylase in the saliva of dogs that is capable of hydrolyzing starch.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. K. M. da, Oliveira, N. D. de, Sousa, E. G., Bernis, V. M. O., & Bernis Filho, W. O. (2020). Analysis of the presence of activity salivary alpha-amylase enzyme in dogs. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–5.



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